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Luiz Fernando Martha

Technical Publications



1.             Análise de Estruturas: Conceitos e Métodos Básicos, 3ª Edição, Luiz Fernando Martha, Editora GEN LTC, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 395 p.,ISBN (print): 978-85-216-3783-7, ISBN (digital): 978-85-216-3820-9, 2022.

2.             Análise Matricial de Estrutura com Orientação a Objetos, 1ª Edição, Luiz Fernando Martha, Editora GEN LTC (originalmente Editora Elsevier) and Editora PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 352 p., ISBN (print): 978-85-352-8797-4, ISBN (digital): 978-85-352-8798-1, ISBN Editora PUC-Rio: 978-85-8006-253-3, 2018.
Description video in YouTube.

3.             Análise de Estruturas: Conceitos e Métodos Básicos, 2ª Edição, Luiz Fernando Martha, Editora GEN LTC (originalmente Editora Elsevier), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 600 p.,ISBN 978-85-352-8625-0, 2017.

4.             Análise de Estruturas: Conceitos e Métodos Básicos, 1ª Edição, Luiz Fernando Martha, Editora Campus/Elsevier, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 524 p.,ISBN 978-85-352-3455-8, 2010.

5.             Midiateca da PUC-Rio, Otávio Leonídio e Luiz Fernando Martha, fotos de Nelson Kon, projeto de Angelo Bucci, Romano Guerra Editora e Editora PUC-Rio, São Paulo, SP, 56 p., ISBN: 978-85-88585-14-0, 2007.




1.             Resende, C.H.B.; Lopes, P.C.F.; Rangel, R.L.; Paullo-Munõz, L.F.; Martha, L.F., “An Educational GUI-Based Software for Dynamic Analysis of Framed Structural Models”, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, on-line publication, Vol. 16, No. 7, pp. 265-286, ISSN Online: 1945-3124, ISSN Print: 1945-3116, DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2023.167014, Jul. 2023.

2.             Bomfim, D.S.; Soares, R.L.; Bez, L.F.; Lopes, P.C.F.; Pereira, A.M.B.; Martha, L.F., “HETOOL: A Half-Edge Topological Object-Oriented Library for generic 2-D geometric modeling”, SoftwareX, Vol. 21, 101307, on-line publication, ISSN: 2352-7110, DOI: 10.1016/j.softx.2023.101307, Jan. 2023.

3.             Rosa, D.G.G.; Pacheco, M.A.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Martha, L.F., “MOGA 4WD: multi-objective genetic algorithm for four-wheel drive electrical vehicle torque distribution in challenging conditions”, Brazilian Journal of Development, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 2821-2835, ISSN 2525-8761, DOI: 10.34117/bjdv9n1-196, Jan. 2023.

4.             Rodrigues, M.A.C.; Burgos, R.B.; Martha, L.F., “Complete Tangent Stiffness Matrix Considering Higher-Order Terms in the Strain Tensor and Large Rotations for a Euler Bernoulli - Timoshenko Space Beam-Column Element”, MethodsX, Vol. 8, 101591, on-line publication, ISSN: 2215-0161, DOI: 10.1016/j.mex.2021.101591, Dec. 2021.

5.             Rodrigues, M.A.C.; Burgos, R.B.; Martha, L.F., “A Unified Approach to the Timoshenko 3D Beam-Column Element Tangent Stiffness Matrix Considering Higher-Order Terms in the Strain Tensor and Large Rotations”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vols. 221-222, 111003, on-line publication, ISSN: 0020-7683, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2021.02.014, Mar. 2021.

6.             Lopes, P.C.F.; Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “An interactive user interface for a structural analysis software using computer graphics techniques in MATLAB”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, on-line publication, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 1505-1525, ISSN: 1099-0542, DOI: 10.1002/cae.22406, Nov. 2021. URL:ISSN:1099-0542, DOI: 10.1002/cae.22406, Mar. 2021.

7.             Interlandi, C.; Santos, L.O.; Santos, S.H.C.; Martha, L.F., “Avaliação da Segurança de Estrutura Existente de Betão com Uma Metodologia para Abordagem de Resistência Global”, Engenharia Estudo e Pesquisa - Órgão Oficial da ABPE - Associação Brasileira de Pontes e Estruturas, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 11-21, Jan/Jun 2021.

8.             Interlandi, C.; Stucchi, F.R.; Martha, L.F.; Santos, S.H.C., “Evaluation of concrete resistances: an alternative to the criteria of Brazilian standard NBR 12655 based on a Bayesian approach”, IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. e13411_1- e13411_15, ISSN: 1983-4195, DOI: 10.1590/S1983-41952020000400011, Ago. 2020.

9.             Marques, L.F.N.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Elastoplastic 3D analyses of plastic zone size dependencies on load-to-yield strength and on crack size-to-width ratios under mixed mode I/II ”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 107, Article 102490, pp.1-8 (on-line), ISSN: 0167-8442, DOI: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2020.102490, Jun. 2020.

10.         Bruno, H.B.S.; Barros, G.C.G.; Menezes, I.F.M.; Martha, L.F., “Return-mapping algorithms for associative isotropic hardening plasticity using conic optimization”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 78, pp. 724-748, ISSN: 0307-904X, DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2019.10.006, Feb. 2020.

11.         Marques, L.F.N.; Cota, E.E.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Meggiolaro, M.A., “On the estimation of the elastoplastic work needed to initiate crack tearing”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 101, pp. 80-91, ISSN: 0167-8442, DOI: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2019.02.007, Jun. 2019.

12.         Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “LESM - An object-oriented MATLAB program for structural analysis of linear element models”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol. 27, Issue 3, pp. 553-571, ISSN:1099-0542, DOI: 10.1002/cae.22097, May 2019.

13.         Rodrigues, M.A.C.; Burgos, R.B.; Martha, L.F., “A Unified Approach to the Timoshenko Geometric Stiffness Matrix Considering Higher-Order Terms in the Strain Tensor”, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, vol.16 no.4, e185, pp. 1-22, ISSN: 1679-7817 (print) 1679-7825 (on-line), DOI: 10.1590/1679-78255273, Alternative link. Abr. 2019.

14.         Teófilo, F.A.F.; Poiate Jr, E.; Roehl, D.M.; Martha, L.F., “A numerical approach for investigation of stress states induced by salt structures”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, ISSN: 1365-1609, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2018.02.009, Vol. 106, pp. 223-233, Jun. 2018.

15.         Corbani, S.; Castro, J.T.P.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F.; Carter, B.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Crack shape evolution under bending-induced partial closure”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, ISSN: 0013-7944, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2017.10.002, Vol. 188, Issue 1, pp. 493-508, Fev. 2018.

16.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F., “Hierarchical Template-based Hexahedral Mesh Generation”, Engineering with Computers, Springer-Verlag London, ISSN: 0177-0667, DOI: 10.1007/s00366-017-0552-8, Vol. 34, Issue 3, pp. 465-474, published online in Nov. 2017, Jul. 2018.

17.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F., “Hierarchical template-based quadrilateral mesh generation”, Engineering with Computers, Springer-Verlag London, ISSN: 0177-0667, DOI: 10.1007/s00366-014-0392-8, Vol. 33, Issue 4, pp. 701-715, published online in Jan. 2015, 2017.

18.         Lage, M.; Martha, L.F.; Moitinho de Almeida, J.P.; Lopes, H., “IBHM: index-based data structures for 2D and 3D hybrid meshes”, Engineering with Computers, Springer-Verlag London, ISSN: 0177-0667, DOI: 10.1007/s00366-015-0395-0, Vol. 33, Issue 4, pp. 727-744, published online in Fev. 2015, 2017.

19.         Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Marques, L.F.N., “On the estimation of multiaxial elastoplastic notch stresses and strains under in-phase proportional loadings”, International Journal of Fatigue, ISSN: 0142-1123, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.12.038, Vol. 100, Part 2, pp. 549-562, 2017.

20.         Papadopoulos, N.A.; Sotelino, E.D.; Martha, L.F.; Nascimento, D.L.M.; Faria, P.S., “Evaluation of integration between a BIM platform and a tool for structural analysis”, Systems & Management Eletronic magazine, ISSN: 1980-5160, DOI: 10.20985/1980-5160.2017.v12n1.1203, Vol. 12, pp. 108-116, 2017.

21.         Castro, J.T.P.; Simões, D.A.; Menezes, I.F.M.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Martha, L.F., “A note on notch shape optimization to minimize stress concentration effects”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier Ltd., ISSN: 0167-8442, DOI: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2016.03.005, Vol. 84, pp. 72-85, 2016. 

22.         Freitas, M. O.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Cavalcante-Neto, J.B.; Vidal, C.A.; Carter, B.C.; Martha, L.F.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Parallel generation of meshes with cracks using binary spatial decomposition”, Engineering with Computers, Springer-Verlag London, ISSN: 0177-0667, DOI: 10.1007/s00366-016-0444-3, Vol. 32, pp. 655-674, 2016.

23.         Nacht, P.K.K.; Martha, L.F., “Interactive graphics tool for the calculation and serviceability limit state stress check of bonded posttensioned concrete beams according to brazilian codes via Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional”, Ibracon Structures and Materials Journal, ISSN: 1983-4195, DOI: 10.1590/S1983-41952015000300009, Vol. 8, No. 3 pp. 427-446, Jun. 2015.

24.         Corbani, S.; Martha, L.F.; Castro, J.T.P.; Carter, B.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Crack front shapes and stress intensity factors in plates under a pure bending loading that induces partial closure of the crack faces”, Procedia Materials Science, Elsevier Ltd., ISSN: 2211-8128, DOI: 10.1016/j.mspro.2014.06.207, Vol. 3, pp. 1279-1284, 2014 .

25.         Góes, R.C.O.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “3D Effects Around Notch and Crack Tips”, International Journal of Fatigue, Hyannis, Elsevier Ltd., ISSN: 0142-1123, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2013.10.014, Vol. 62, pp. 159-170, 2014.

26.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Lira, W.W.M.; Marques, R.C.; Pereira, A.M.B.; Cavalcante-Neto, J.B.; Martha, L.F., “Finite Element Mesh Generation for Subsurface Simulation Models”, Engineering with Computers, ISSN: 0177-0667, DOI: 10.1007/s00366-014-0352-3, Vol. 62, pp. 159-170, published online in Jan. 2014, 2015.

27.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Lira, W.W.M.; Cavalcante-Neto, J.B.; Sousa, R.A.; Martha, L.F., “A 3D Adaptive Mesh Generation Approach using Geometric Modeling with Multi-Regions and Parametric Surfaces”, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, ISSN 1530-9827, DOI: 10.1115/1.4024106,Vol. 13, pp. 021002-1-13, 2013.

28.         Freitas, M. O.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Cavalcante-Neto, J.B.; Vidal, C.A.; Martha, L.F.; Ingraffea, A.R., “A Distributed-memory Parallel Technique for Two-dimensional Mesh Generation for Arbitrary Domains”, Advances in Engineering Software, Elsevier Ltd., ISSN: 0965-9978, DOI: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2013.03.005, Vol. 59, pp. 38-52, 2013.

29.         Sousa, R.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Lopes, A.A.O.; Martha, L.F., “On Improved Crack Tip Plastic Zone Estimates based on T-stress and on Complete Stress Fields”, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, ISSN 1460-2695, DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-2695.2012.01684.x, Vol. 36, pp. 25-38, 2013.

30.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Martha, L.F.; Castro, J.T.P., “Stress Intensity Factor Predictions: Comparison and Round-off Error”, Computational Material Science, ISSN: 0927-0256, DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2011.09.033, Vol. 53, pp. 354-358, 2012.

31.         Pereira, A.M.B.; Arruda, M.C.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Lira, W.W.M.; Martha, L.F., “Boolean Operations on Multi-region Solids for Mesh Generation”, Engineering with Computers, ISSN: 0177-0667, DOI: 10.1007/s00366-011-0228-8, Vol. 28, pp. 225-239, 2012.

32.         Del Savio, A.A.; Nethercot, D.A.; Vellasco, P.C.G.S.; Lima, L.R.O.; Andrade, S.A.L.; Martha, L.F., “An Assessment of Beam-to-Column Endplate and Baseplate Joints Including the Axial-Moment Interaction”, Advanced Steel Construction, ISSN 1816-112X, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 207-219, 2010.

33.         Del Savio, A.A.; Nethercot, D.A.; Vellasco, P.C.G.S.; Andrade, S.A.L.; Martha, L.F., “Generalised Component-based Model for Beam-to-Column Connections Including Axial versus Moment Interaction”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier, ISSN 0143-974X, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2009.02.011Vol. 65, pp. 1876-1895, 2009.

34.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Surface Mesh Regeneration Considering Curvatures”, Engineering with Computers, Springer-Verlag London Limited, ISSN 0177-0667, DOI 10.1007/s00366-008-0119-9, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 207-219, Mar., 2009.

35.         Araújo, T.D.P.; Roehl, D.M.; Martha, L.F., “An Adaptive Strategy for Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Structures with Cracks”, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciencies and Engineering, ABCM, ISSN 1678-5878, Vol. XXX, No. 4, pp. 337-345, 2008.

36.         Cavalcante-Neto, J.B.; Martha, L.F.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Ingraffea, A.R., “A Back-tracking Procedure for Optimization of Simplex Meshes”, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, ISSN 1069-8299, DOI: 10.1002/cnm.786, vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 711-722, 2005.

37.         Meggiolaro, M.A.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Crack Retardation Equations for the Propagation of Branched Fatigue Cracks”, International Journal of Fatigue, ISSN 0142-1123, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2005.07.016, vol. 27, no. 10-12, pp. 1398-1407, 2005.

38.         Meggiolaro, M.A.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Stress Intensity Factor Equations for Branched Crack Growth”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, ISSN 0013-7944, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2005.05.004, vol. 72, no. 17, pp. 2647-2671, 2005.

39.         Del Savio, A.A.; Vellasco, P.C.G.S.; Andrade, S.A.L.; Martha, L.F., “Um Sistema Não-Linear para Análise de Pórticos Planos Semi-Rígidos”, Revista Sul Americana de Engenharia Estrutural, ISSN 1806-3985, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 97-125, 2005.

40.         Meggiolaro, M.A.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Evaluation of Crack Growth Retardation in Branched Fatigue Cracks”, Revista ABM – Tecnologia em Metalurgia e Materiais, ISSN 1807-300X, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 44-49, 2004.

41.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Fatigue Life Prediction of Complex 2D Components under Mixed-Mode Variable Amplitude Loading”, International Journal of Fatigue, ISSN: 0142-1123, DOI: 10.1016/S0142-1123(03)00118-X, vol. 25, pp. 1157-1167, 2003.

42.         Paz, C.N.M.; Martha, L.F.; Alves, J.L.D.; Fairbairn, E.M.R.; Ebecken, N.F.F.; Coutinho, A.L.G.A., “Parallel Implementation for Probabilistic Analysis of 3D Discrete Cracking in Concrete”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, ISSN: 0302-9743, vol. 2565, pp. 79-93, 2003.

43.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Bittencourt, T.N., “Fatigue Life and Crack Path Predictions in Generic 2D Structural Components”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, ISSN: 0013-7944, DOI: 10.1016/S0013-7944(02)00099-1, vol. 70, no. 10, pp. 1259-1279, 2003.

44.         Lira, W.W.M.; Coelho, L.C.G.; Cavalcanti, P.R.; Martha, L.F., “A Modeling Methodology for Finite Element Mesh Generation of Multi-Region Models with Parametric Surfaces”, Computer & Graphics, ISSN: 0097-8493, DOI: 10.1016/S0097-8493(02)00179-6, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 907-918, 2002.

45.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Bittencourt, T. N., “Fatigue Crack Propagation under Complex Loading in Arbitrary 2D Geometries”, Applications of Automation Technology in Fatigue and Fracture Testing and Analysis: Fourth Volume, ASTM STP 1411, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, USA, pp. 120-145, 2002.

46.         Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Carvalho, M.T.M.; Martha, L.F.; Ingraffea, A.R., “An Algorithm for Three-dimensional Mesh Generation for Arbitrary Regions with Cracks”, Engineering with Computers, ISSN: 0177-0667, DOI: 10.1007/PL00007196, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 75-91, 2001.

47.         Paulino, G.H.; Menezes, I.F.M.; Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Martha, L.F., “A Methodology for Adaptive Finite Element Analysis: Towards an Integrated Computational Environment”, Computational Mechanics, ISSN: 0178-7675, DOI: 10.1007/s004660050416, vol. 23, no. 5/6, pp. 361-388, 1999.

48.         Moretti, C.O.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “A Low Cost Distributed System for FEM Parallel Structural Analysis”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, vol. 1573, pp. 250-262, 1999.

49.         Araújo, T.D.P.; Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Carvalho, M.T.M.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “Adaptive Simulation of Fracture Processes Based on Spatial Enumeration Techniques”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, vol. 34, no. 3/4, p. 551 (abstract) and CD-rom (full paper), 1997.

50.         Einsfeld, R.A.; Elwi, A.E.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “Numerical Simulation of Fracturing in Concrete Structures using a Combination of Smeared and Discrete Approaches”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, vol. 34, no. 3/4, p. 552, (abstract) and CD-rom (full paper) 1997.

51.         Martha, L.F.; Carvalho, M.T.M.; Seixas, R.B., “Volume Contouring of Generic Unstructured Meshes”, Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, SBC, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 43-51, 1997.

52.         Cavalcanti, P.R.; Carvalho, P.C.P.; Martha, L.F., “Non-manifold Modeling: An Approach Based on Spatial Subdivision”, Computer-Aided Design, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 209-220, 1997.

53.         Martha, L.F.; Carvalho, P.C.P.; Cavalcanti, P.R.; Campos, J.L.E.; Castier, B., “Solid Discrete Element Modeling Using Nonmanifold Topological Data Structures”, Applications of Computational Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering, Edited by R.F. Azevedo et al., A.A. Balkema, pp. 109-124, 1997.

54.         Martha, L.F.; Carvalho, P.C.P.; Bender, A.A., “A Topological Data Structure as a Framework for Balancing of Geological Cross-Sections”, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Edited by H.J. Siriwardane, A.A. Balkema, pp. 477-482, 1994.

55.         Martha, L.F.; Carvalho, P.C.P.; Fontoura, S.A.B., “Two-dimensional Simulation of Geotechnical Problems based on Solid Modeling”, Applications of Computational Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering, Edited by E.A. Vargas et al., A.A. Balkema, pp. 403-420, 1994.

56.         Gray, L.J.; Potyondy, D.O.; Lutz, E.D.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Martha, L.F.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Crack Propagation Modeling”, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., vol. 4, pp. 179-202, 1994.

57.         Martha, L.F.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Arbitrary Crack Representation Using Solid Modeling”, Engineering with Computers, vol. 9, pp. 63-82, 1993.

58.         Martha, L.F.; Gray, L.J.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Three-Dimensional Fracture Simulation with a Single-domain, Direct Boundary Element Formulation”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., vol. 35, pp. 1907-1921, 1992.

59.         Martha, L.F.; Llorca, J.; Ingraffea, A.R.; Elices, M., “Numerical Simulation of Crack Initiation and Propagation in an Arch Dam”, Dam Engineering, vol. 2, issue 3, pp. 193-213, 1991.

60.         Gray, L.J.; Martha, L.F.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Hypersingular Integrals in Boundary Element Fracture Analysis”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., vol. 29, pp. 1135-1158, 1990.

61.         Martha, L.F.; Llorca, J.; Ingraffea, A.R.; Elices, M., “A Three-Dimensional Analysis of Crack Initiation and Propagation in an Arch Dam”, Applications of Fracture Mechanics to Dam Engineering, Edited by F. H. Wittmann, ETH Zurich, pp. 82-88, 1990.

62.         Hajjar, J.H.; Martha, L.F.; O’Connor, T.F.; Abel, J.F., “On Some Recent Evolutions in Personal Supercomputing and Workstation Graphics”, Comm. Applied Num. Meth., vol. 4, pp. 373-327, 1988.

63.         Sousa, J.L.; Martha, L.F.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Simulation of Non-planar Crack Propagation in Three-Dimensional Structures in Concrete and Rock”, Fracture of Concrete and Rock: Recent Developments, Editors: S.P. Shah, S.E. Swartz e B.Barr, Ensevier Applied Science, pp. 254-264, 1989.

64.         Wawrzynek, P.A.; Martha, L.F.; Ingraffea, A.R., “A Computational Environment for the Simulation of Fracture Processes in Three Dimensions”, Analytical, Numerical and Experimental Aspects of Three Dimensional Fracture Processes, ASME AMD – Vol. 91, Editors: A.J. Rosakis, K. Ravi-Chandar e Y. Rajapakse, pp. 321-327, 1988.

65.         Gerstle, W.H.; Martha, L.F.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Finite and Boundary Element Modeling of Crack Propagation in Two and Three Dimensions”, Engineering with Computers, vol. 2, pp. 167-183, 1987.




1.             Resende, C.H.B.; Lemonge, A.C.C.; Martha, L.F., “Tri-objective optimization of 3D Steel Frames Considering Columns Orientation and Bracing System Configuration as Design Variables”, Proceedings of the XLIV Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/FEUP, O Porto, Portugal, Nov. 2023. Paper ID: 519, p. 7.

2.             Cavalcanti, D.B.; Mejia, C.; Roehl, D.M.; Martha, L.F.; Pouplana, I.; Casas, G., “An improved embedded finite element formulation for investigating fluid flow behavior in fractured porous media”, Proceedings of the XLIV Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/FEUP, O Porto, Portugal, Nov. 2023. Paper ID: 760, p. 7.

3.             Peixoto, J.C.; Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Isogeometric analysis with interactive modeling of multi-patches NURBS”, Proceedings of the XLIV Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/FEUP, O Porto, Portugal, Nov. 2023. Paper ID: 888, p. 9.

4.             Martha, L.F.; Resende, C.H.B.; Lopes, P.C.F.; Rangel, R.L., “LESM: An interactive-graphics open-source educational software in MATLAB for static and dynamic structural analysis”, Proceedings of the XLIV Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/FEUP, O Porto, Portugal, Nov. 2023. Paper ID: 902., p. 7.

5.             Peixoto, J.C.; Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Integrated system for two-dimensional isoparametric and isogeometric analysis of finite elements”, abstract, IGA 2023 – 11th International Conference on IsoGeometric Analysis, June 18-21, 2023, Lyon, France.

6.             Resende, C.H.B.; Lemonge, A.C.C.; Hallak, P.H.; Carvalho, J.P.G.; Motta, J.C.; Martha, L.F., “Tri-objective optimization of steel frames with the bracing system configuration as a design variable”, Proceedings of the XLIII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UNILA, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, Online, Nov. 2022, ISSN 2675-6269,, pp. 10627-1-10627-7, 2022.

7.             Peixoto, J.C.L.; Bomfim, D.S.; Soares, R.L.; Bez, L.F.; Lopes, P.C.F.; Pereira, A.M.B.; Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Some modeling features for two-dimensional isoparametric and isogeometric finite element analysis”, Proceedings of the XLIII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UNILA, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, Online, Nov. 2022, ISSN 2675-6269,, pp. 10641-1-10641-7, 2022.

8.             Cavalcanti, D.B.; Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Nonlinear analysis of inelastic frames considering a corotational approach and plasticity by layers: a discussion about computational implementation”, Proceedings of the XLIII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UNILA, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, Online, Nov. 2022, ISSN 2675-6269,, pp. 10649-1-10649-7, 2022.

9.             Cavalcanti, D.B.; Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Numerical experiments to assess the performance of different formulations and solution algorithms for geometrically nonlinear analysis of two-dimensional frames”, Proceedings of the XLIII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UNILA, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, Online, Nov. 2022, ISSN 2675-6269,, pp. 10650-1-10650-7, 2022.

10.         Martha, L.F.; Rangel, R.L., “FTOOL: Three decades of success as an educational program for structural analysis”, Proceedings of the XLIII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UNILA, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, Online, Nov. 2022, ISSN 2675-6269,, pp. 10651-1-10651-9, 2022.

11.         Rodrigues, M.A.C.; Guimarães, P.H.A.; Burgos, R.B.; Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Influence evaluation of high-order terms in the strain tensor for a complete geometric nonlinear analysis with Timoshenko element”, Proceedings of the XLIII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UNILA, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, Online, Nov. 2022, ISSN 2675-6269,, pp. 10769-1-10769-7, 2022.

12.         Cavalcanti, D.B.; Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Structural analysis with nonlinear behavior: The importance of going beyond the line”, Proceedings of the XLIII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UNILA, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, Online, Nov. 2022, ISSN 2675-6269,, pp. 10836-1-10836-6, 2022.

13.         Almada, V.S.C.; Martha, L.F.; Müller, A.L.; Santi, M.R., “Three-dimensional geological mapping based on cross sections restoration”, Proceedings of the joint XLII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering and III Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, ABMEC-IACM, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, On-line, Nov. 2021.

14.         Burgos, R.B.; Martha, L.F.; Rodrigues, M.A.C.; Rangel, R.L., “Modelling of the P-δ effect using interpolating functions”, Proceedings of the joint XLII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering and III Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, ABMEC-IACM, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, On-line, Nov. 2021.

15.         Rodrigues, M.A.C.; Burgos, R.B.; Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “An Integrated Formulation to Predict Pre and Post-Critical Behavior of Frames”, Proceedings of the joint XLII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering and III Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, ABMEC-IACM, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, On-line, Nov. 2021.

16.         Soares, R.L.; Bomfim, D.S.; Bez, L.F.; Lopes, P.C.F.; Pereira, A.M.B.; Martha, L.F., “A Collaborative Web Computer-Aided Design Application”, Proceedings of the joint XLII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering and III Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, ABMEC-IACM, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, On-line, Nov. 2021.

17.         Bomfim, D.S.; Soares, R.L.; Bez, L.F.; Lopes, P.C.F.; Pereira, A.M.B.; Martha, L.F., “Development of a Python Application Aiming at the Teaching-learning process of the Half-Edge Data Structure”, Proceedings of the joint XLII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering and III Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, ABMEC-IACM, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, On-line, Nov. 2021.

18.         Resende, C.H.B.; Lemonge, A.C.C.; Hallak, P.H.; Carvalho, J.P.G.; Motta, J.C.; Martha, L.F., “Single and multi-objective optimization of spatial steel frame considering different bracing systems”, Proceedings of the joint XLII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering and III Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, ABMEC-IACM, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, On-line, Nov. 2021.

19.         Interlandi, C.; Martha, L.F.; Santos, S.H.C., “Computational Aspects in the Evaluation an Existing Structure by the Global Safety Method”, Proceedings of the joint XLII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering and III Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, ABMEC-IACM, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, On-line, Nov. 2021.

20.         Dias, C.L.; Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Educational tool for analysis of steel frames with semi-rigid connections”, Proceedings of the joint XLII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering and III Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, ABMEC-IACM, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, On-line, Nov. 2021.

21.         Resende, C.H.B.; Rangel, R.L.; Lopes, P.C.F.; Martha, L.F., “An OOP architecture for the implementation of dynamic and nonlinear effects in structural analysis”, 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress in Paris in July 2020,, resumo publicado e vídeo publicado. Book of Abstracts, p. 2634, online Jan. 2021.

22.         Resende, C.H.B.; Lemonge, A.C.C.; Hallak, P.H.; Carvalho, J.P.G.; Martha, L.F., “A Comparative analysis of structural optimization of spatial steel frames considering different bracing systems”, Proceedings of the XLI Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UNILA, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, Online, Nov. 2020, ISSN 2675-6269, pp. 7920-1-7920-7, 2020.

23.         Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Ftool 5.0: Nonlinear, stability and natural vibration analyses”, Proceedings of the XLI Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UNILA, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, Online, Nov. 2020, ISSN 2675-6269, pp. 7805-1-7805-6, 2020.

24.         Assunção, R.J.L.; Rangel, R.L.; Lopes, P.C.F.; Heitor, A.C.J.; Martha, L.F., “Implementação da norma brasileira de aço em um programa MATLAB orientado a objetos”, Proceedings of the XLI Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UNILA, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, Online, Nov. 2020, ISSN 2675-6269, pp. 7916-1-7916-7, 2020.

25.         Dias, C.L.; Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Nonlinear analysis in FTOOL with semi-rigid connections: a partial development”, Proceedings of the XLI Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UNILA, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, Online, Nov. 2020, ISSN 2675-6269, pp. 7880-1-7880-7, 2020.

26.         Lopes, P.C.F.; Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Extensão de Programa Gráfico para Análise de Vibrações de Modelos Estruturais Reticulados”, XL CILAMCE – 40th Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFRN, Natal, RN, Nov. 2019,, pp. 6329-1-6329-12, 2019.

27.         Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Programa para Análise Geometricamente Não Linear de Pórticos por Meio de um Controle Extensivo do Usuário”, XL CILAMCE – 40th Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFRN, Natal, RN, Nov. 2019,, pp. 6388-1-6388-14, 2019.

28.         Marques, I.R.; Lopes, P.C.F.; Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Implementação de Conexão Semirrígida em Modelos Reticulados no Contexto da Programação Orientada a Objetos”, Poster, XL CILAMCE – 40th Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFRN, Natal, RN, Nov. 2019,, pp. 6551-1-6551-10, 2019.

29.         Rodrigues, M.A.C.; Burgos, R.B.; Martha, L.F., “Avaliação de uma Matriz de Rigidez Tangente Completa de Timoshenko Considerando Termos de Ordem Elevada do Tensor Deformação”, XL CILAMCE – 40th Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFRN, Natal, RN, Nov. 2019,, pp. 7045-1-7045-14, 2019.

30.         Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Implementation of a User-Controlled Structural Analysis Module with Geometric Nonlinearity”, COBEM 2019 – 25th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Uberlândia, MG, ABCM/UFU, Out. 2019,, COB-2019-1377, p. 4, 2019.

31.         Lopes, P.C.F.; Rangel, R.L.; Martha, L.F., “Development of a Graphical Application for the Dynamic Analysis of Linear Elements Structural Models”, COBEM 2019 – 25th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Uberlândia, MG, ABCM/UFU, Out. 2019,, COB-2019-1435, p. 4, 2019.

32.         Rosa, D.G.G.; Souza Jr., C.L.M.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Martha, L.F., “Development of a Control Strategy for Mobile Robot Navigation in Unknown Terrain”, COBEM 2019 – 25th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Uberlândia, MG, ABCM/UFU, Out. 2019,, COB-2019-1548, p. 8, 2019.

33.         Marques, L.F.N.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Meggiolaro, M.A., “A 3D elastoplastic analysis of mixed-mode KI/KII around the crack front”, ICMFF12 – 12th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture, Bordeaux, France – SF2M – Société Française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux, Jun. 2019,, 2019.

34.         Santos, S.H.C.; Monteiro Jr., M.T.; Martha, L.F.; Interlandi, C., “Reliability Evaluation of Structural Safety Factor Using a Global Resistance Approach”, IABSE Symposium 2019 Guimarães – Towards a Resilient Built Environment – Risk and Asset Management, Mar. 2019, Guimarães, Portugal, 2019.

35.         Rangel R.L.; Martha L.F. “Educational Tool for the Analysis of Structures with Geometric Nonlinearity”, XXXIX CILAMCE – 39th Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/SMAI/CSMA, Paris/Compiègne, França, Nov. 2018 – Proceedings pp. 472-473, 2018.

36.         Rangel R.L.; Lopes P.C.; Martha L.F. “A graphical tool for structural analysis of linear element models with an OOP approach”, Workshop on Computational Modeling and Numerical Analysis (WCMNA), LNCC, Petrópolis, RJ, Feb. 2019.

37.         Lopes P.C.; Rangel R.L.; Martha L.F. “An Interactive-Graphics Tool for Modeling and Analyzing Structures in MATLAB”, XXXIX CILAMCE – 39th Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/SMAI/CSMA, Paris/Compiègne, França, Nov. 2018 – Proceedings pp. 454-457, 2018.

38.         Barros G.C.G.; Parente E.; Martha L.F. “A Lagrange Multiplier Formulation for Considering Member Deformation Constraints into Matrix Structural Analysis”, XXXIX CILAMCE – 39th Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/SMAI/CSMA, Paris/Compiègne, França, Nov. 2018 – Proceedings p. 232, 2018.

39.         Interlandi, C.; Martha, L.F.; Santos, S.H.C., “Confiabilidade em Estruturas de Concreto Armado: Estudo Comparativo entre Análises no Estado Limite Último e por Segurança Global”, BE 2018 – Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2018, LNEC, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2018, pp. 1-10, 2018.

40.         Marques, L.F.N.; Cota, E.E.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Meggiolaro, M.A., “On the Estimation of the Elastoplastic Work Needed to Initiate Crack Tearing”, 6th International Conference on Crack Paths – CP 2018, Verona, Itália, Set. 2018, pp. 667-673, 2018.

41.         Barros G.C.G., Parente E., Martha L.F. “Consideration of Structural Member Deformation Constraints Using Lagrange Multipliers”, In: Rodrigues H. et al. (eds) EngOpt 2018 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization. EngOpt 2018. Springer, Print ISBN (print) 978-3-319-97772-0, ISBN (online) 978-3-319-97773-7, 2019.

42.         Corbani, S.; Martha, L.F. ; Castro, J.T.P.; Carter, B., “Fatigue Life Predictions for L-Shaped Cracks”, In: Abdel Wahab M. (eds) – Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fracture Fatigue and Wear, Jul. 2018, Ghent University, Bélgica, FFW 2018. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore, pp. 480-490, 2018.

43.         Torres, E.D.; Martha, L.F., “Development of a Class in the Context of OOP for Generic Management of Mouse Events in a Canvas in the MATLAB Environment”, XXXVIII CILAMCE – 38th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFSC, Florianópolis, SC, Nov. 2017, CILAMCE2017-0642_078082, p. 20, 2017.

44.         Rodrigues, M.A.C.; Martha, L.F.; Santana, M.V.B.; Burgos, R.B., “Avaliação de uma Formulação Completa da Matriz de Rigidez para Análise Não Linear de Estruturas”, XXXVIII CILAMCE – 38th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFSC, Florianópolis, SC, Nov. 2017, CILAMCE2017-0788_078286, p. 15, 2017.

45.         Barros, G.C.G.; Menezes, I.F.M.; Martha, L.F., “Otimização Topológica Considerando Análise Limite”, XXXVIII CILAMCE – 38th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFSC, Florianópolis, SC, Nov. 2017, CILAMCE2017-1322_078087, p. 14, 2017.

46.         Bruno, H.B.S.; Barros, G.C.G.; Martha, L.F. ; Menezes, I.F.M., “Formulação e Solução de Problemas de Retorno à Superfície de Escoamento via Programação Cônica”, XXXVIII CILAMCE – 38th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFSC, Florianópolis, SC, Nov. 2017, CILAMCE2017-1324_078168, p. 18, 2017.

47.         Barros, G.C.G.; Bruno, H.B.S.; Martha, L.F., Menezes, I.F.M., “Stress constrained topology optimization via sequential second order cone programming”, X2017 – 6th International Symposium on Solid Mechanics, ABCM, Joinville, SC, Apr. 2017, MECSOL2017-4493, p. 10, 2017.

48.         Bruno, H.B.S.; Barros, G.C.G.; Martha, L.F., Menezes, I.F.M., “Interpretration of density-based topology optimization results by means of a topological data structure”, X2017 – 6th International Symposium on Solid Mechanics, ABCM, Joinville, SC, Apr. 2017, MECSOL2017-4478, p. 12, 2017.

49.         Silva, M.F.D.S.; Menezes, I.F.M.; Martha, L.F., “Um Método Simplificado para Análise Não-linear Geométrica no Ftool”, XXXVII CILAMCE – 37th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UnB, Brasília, DF, Nov. 2016, CILAMCE2016-1087, p. 23, 2016.

50.         Corbani, S.; Pereira, A.M.B.; Martha, L.F., “Simulações Numéricas Tridimensionais de Estruturas com Trincas”, XXXVII CILAMCE – 37th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UnB, Brasília, DF, Nov. 2016, CILAMCE2016-1093, p. 13, 2016.

51.         Barros, G.C.G.; Martha, L.F., “Consideração de Barras Rígidas e Inextensíveis na Análise Matricial através da Programação Matemática”, XXXVII CILAMCE – 37th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UnB, Brasília, DF, Nov. 2016, CILAMCE2016-1099, p. 16, 2016.

52.         Freire, G.; Martha, L.F.; Sotelino, E.D., “Interoperabilidade entre Plataforma BIM e Ferramentas de Análise Estrutural utilizando Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)”, XXXVI CILAMCE – 36th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Nov. 2015, CILAMCE2015-0075, p. 18, , ISSN: 2178-4949 (full paper, digital media), DOI: 10.20906/CPS/CILAMCE2015-0075, 2015.

53.         Papadopoulos, N.A.; Sotelino, E.D.; Martha, L.F., “Avaliação da Integração entre uma Plataforma BIM e uma Ferramenta de Análise Estrutural”, XXXVI CILAMCE – 36th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Nov. 2015, CILAMCE2015-0320, p. 19, ISSN: 2178-4949 (full paper, digital media), DOI: 10.20906/CPS/CILAMCE2015-0320, 2015.

54.         Ccapacca, E.Q.; Martha, L.F., “Construção de Padrões para Geração de Malhas por Decomposição Hierárquica de Domínio”, XXXVI CILAMCE – 36th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Nov. 2015, CILAMCE2015-0430, p. 20, ISSN: 2178-4949 (full paper, digital media), DOI: 10.20906/CPS/CILAMCE2015-0430, 2015.

55.         Nariño, G.A.R.; Martha, L.F.; Menezes, I.F.M., “Otimização de Risers em Catenária com Amortecedores Hidrodinâmicos”, XXXV CILAMCE – 35th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFC, Fortaleza, CE, Nov. 2014,, Book of Abstracts, CILAMCE2014-0116, p. 119, ISSN: 2178-4949 (full paper, digital media), 2014.

56.         Barros, G.C.G.; Pereira, A.M.B.; Vaz, L.E.; Martha, L.F., “Análise Limite com o Método dos Elementos de Contorno”, XXXV CILAMCE – 35th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFC, Fortaleza, CE, Nov. 2014,, Book of Abstracts, CILAMCE2014-0705, p. 124, ISSN: 2178-4949 (full paper, digital media), 2014.

57.         Holtz, G.C.C.; Martha, L.F.; Vaz, L.E., “Traçado Automático de Envoltórias de Esforços em Estruturas Planas utilizando um Algoritmo Evolucionário”, XXXV CILAMCE – 35th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFC, Fortaleza, CE, Nov. 2014,, Book of Abstracts, CILAMCE2014-0814, p. 125, ISSN: 2178-4949 (full paper, digital media), 2014.

58.         Martha, L.F.; Burgos, R.B., “Diferenças na Consideração da Distorção no Modelo de Timoshenko de uma Viga Submetida a Carregamento Axial”, XXXVI Jornadas Sul Americanas de Engenharia Estrutural, Montevidéu, Uruguai, Nov. 2014,, 2014 .

59.         Góes, R.C.O.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Meggiolaro, M.A., “3D Stress and Strain Fields around Notch and Crack Tips”, PACAM XIVFourteenth Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics, Santiago, Chile, R. Bustamante (Ed.), Universidade de Chile,, Book of Abstracts, p. 64, 2014.

60.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Gomes, G.; Martha, L.F., “Quadrilateral Mesh Generation using Templates”, XXXIV CILAMCE – 34th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFG, Pirinópolis, GO, Nov. 2013, http://www., Book of Abstracts, CILAMCE2013-0629, p. 78, ISSN: 2178-4949 (full paper, digital media), 2013.

61.         Burgos, R.B.; Martha, L.F., “Exact Shape Functions and Tangent Stiffness Matriz for Buckling of Beam-Columns considering Shear Deformation”, XXXIV CILAMCE – 34th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFG, Pirinópolis, GO, Nov. 2013,, Book of Abstracts, CILAMCE2013-0702, p. 100, ISSN: 2178-4949 (full paper, digital media), 2013.

62.         Martha, L.F.; Moitinho-de-Almeida, J.P.; Lage, M.; Lopes, H.C.V., “CHM: Concise Topological Data Structures for 3D Hybrid Mesh Representations”, 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM12), Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation - MeshTrends IX, Raleigh, North Carolina. EUA, Jul. 2013,, 2013.

63.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F., “Hierarchical Template-based Hexahedral Mesh Generation”, 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM12), Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation - MeshTrends IX, Raleigh, North Carolina. EUA, Jul. 2013,, 2013.

64.         Martha, L.F. ; Cavalcante-Neto, J.B. ; Lira, W.W.M.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Sousa, R.A., “FE Adaptive Analysis of Multi-regions Models”, VI International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Visualization (ADMOS 2013), Lisboa, Portugal, Jun. 2013,, Proceedings: J. P. Moitinho de Almeida, P. Díez, C. Tiago and N. Parés (Eds), ISBN: 978-84-941004-8-2, pp. 456-467, Book of Abstracts: p. 118, 2013.

65.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F., “Hierarchical Template-based Quadrilateral Mesh Generation”, Proceedings of 21th International Meshing Roundtable, Jiao, Xiangmin; Weill, Jean-Christophe (Eds.), Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-33572-3, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33573-0_17, pp. 279-296, 2012.

66.         Góes, R.C.O.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Meggiolaro, M.A., “Surface and Corner Cracks Departing from Elongated Notches in Thick Plates”, International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials IX, Hyannis, MA, EUA, Set. 2012,, 2012.

67.         Simões, D.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “On the Optimum Shape for Fatigue Crack Initiation Specimens”, International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials IX, Hyannis, MA, EUA, Set. 2012,, 2012.

68.         Corbani, S.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Carter, B.J.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Fatigue Crack Propagation under Bending Loads that Partially Close the Crack Front”, International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials IX, Hyannis, MA, EUA, Set. 2012,, 2012.

69.         Pereira, A.M.B.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F.; Noronha, M.A.M., “A Pure Visualization Technique to 3D Boundary Element Analysis”, 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and XXXIII CILAMCE – 33th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/USP, São Paulo, SP, Jul. 2012,, PAP 18627, Book of Abstracts, ISBN: 978-85-86686-69-6, pp. 141, 2012.

70.         Corbani, S.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Carter, B.J.; Ingraffea, A.R.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Simulation of Crack Growth with Partial Bending-Induced Crack Closure”, 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and XXXIII CILAMCE – 33th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/USP, São Paulo, SP, Jul. 2012,, PAP 18841, Book of Abstracts, ISBN: 978-85-86686-69-6, pp. 178, 2012.

71.         Martha, L.F.; Burgos, R.B., “Analytical Solutions for Timoshenko Beam Finite Element: A Review and Computer Implementation Aspects”, 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and XXXIII CILAMCE – 33th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/USP, São Paulo, SP, Jul. 2012,, PAP 19734, Book of Abstracts, ISBN: 978-85-86686-69-6, pp. 319-320, 2012.

72.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Comparison among Stress Intensity Factor Predictions”, XXXII CILAMCE – 32th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/ UFOP, Ouro Preto, MG,, PAP007059, pp. 1-15, Nov. 2011.

73.         Vieira, R.S.T.; Cavalcante-Neto, J.B.; Vidal, C.A.; Martha, L.F.; Gattass, M., “Convex Mesh Generation by Incremental Quadrangulation”, XXXII CILAMCE – 32th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/ UFOP, Ouro Preto, MG,, PAP007443, pp. 1-20, Nov. 2011.

74.         Freitas, M.O.; Cavalcante-Neto, J.B; Vidal, C.A.; Martha, L.F.; Ingraffea, A.R.; Wawrzynek, P.A., “A Parallel Technique for Two-dimensional Mesh Generation for Arbitrary Regions with Cracks”, XXXII CILAMCE – 32th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/ UFOP, Ouro Preto, MG,, PAP007499, pp. 1-20, Nov. 2011.

75.         Pantoja, J.C.; Vaz, L.E.; Martha, L.F.; Lima, J.N., “Topology Optimization Model and Reliabilty Criterion for Design and Analysis of Complex Dregions in Reinforced Concrete Structures”, XXXII CILAMCE – 32th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/ UFOP, Ouro Preto, MG,, PAP007668, pp. 1-10, Nov. 2011.

76.         Pantoja, J.C.; Vaz, L.E.; Martha, L.F.; Antezana, P.A., “Automatic Generation of Topology Envelopes Applied in Strut and Tie Models using Multiobjective Optimization Techniques”, XXXII CILAMCE – 32th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/ UFOP, Ouro Preto, MG,, PAP007680, pp. 1-13, Nov. 2011.

77.         Sousa, R.A.; Martha, L.F.; Lopes, A.A.O.; Castro, J.T.P., “Estimativas de Zonas Plásticas Obtidas a Partir de um Campo de Tensões Determinado Numericamente”, XXXII CILAMCE – 32th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/ UFOP, Ouro Preto, MG,, PAP006697, pp. 1-15, Nov. 2011.

78.         Costa, A.M.; Amaral, C.S.; Poiate Jr., E.; Pereira, A.M.B.; Martha, L.F.; Gattass, M.; Roehl, D.M., “Underground Storage of Natural Gas and CO2 in Salt Caverns in Deep and Ultra-deep Water Offshore Brazil”, 12th ISRM - Congress of International Society for Rock Mechanics, Beijing, China, Out 2011,, Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment – Qian & Zhou (eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-80444-8, pp. 1659-1664, 2012.

79.         Pantoja, J.; Vaz, L.E.; Martha, L.F., “The Impact of Uncertainties Model considered in Reliability Analysis for Design of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams using STM”, SEWC 2011 – Structural Engineers World Congress, Villa Erba, Como, Lombardia, Itália, Abr. 2011, http://, Editora edizioni31, p. 12, Abr. 2011.

80.         Castro, J.T.P.; Sousa, R.A.; Lopes, A.A.O. ; Martha, L.F., “Comparing Improved Crack Tip Plastic Zone Estimates Considering Corrections based on T-stresses and on Complete Stress Fields”, First IJFatigue & FFEMS Joint Workshop – Characterisation of Crack Tip Stress Fields, Forni di Sopra, Itália, Mar. 2011, M.N. James, J.R. Yates, L. Susmel, F. Iacoviello (Editors), University of Ferrara e Gruppo Italiano de Frattura (IGF) –, UK, ISBN 978-88-95940-35-9, pp. 58-65, 2011.

81.         Corbani, S.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Carter, B., “Investigations in a Cracked Plate under Bending”, MECOM 2010 – IX Argentinean Congress on Computational Mechanics / CILAMCE 2010 – XXXI Iberian-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, AMCA/ABMEC, Buenos Aires, Argentina,, Mecanica Computacional Vol XXIX, AMCA/ABMEC, Eduardo Dvorkin, Marcela Goldschmit, Mario Storti (Eds.), ISSN 1666-6070, pp. 5163-5171, Nov. 2010.

82.         Lima, R.M.; Lira, W.W.M.; Martha, L.F., “A Plugin Strategy for Extensible Configuration of Attributes in Geometric Modeling For Finite Element Simulations”, MECOM 2010 – IX Argentinean Congress on Computational Mechanics / CILAMCE 2010 – XXXI Iberian-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, AMCA/ABMEC, Buenos Aires, Argentina,, Mecanica Computacional Vol XXIX, AMCA/ABMEC, Eduardo Dvorkin, Marcela Goldschmit, Mario Storti (Eds.), ISSN 1666-6070, pp. 6029-6043, Nov. 2010.

83.         Marques, R.C.; Pereira, A.M.B.; Martha, L.F.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Gattass, M., “Adaptive Precision-based Fast Algorithms for Robust Surface Intersections”, MECOM 2010 – IX Argentinean Congress on Computational Mechanics / CILAMCE 2010 – XXXI Iberian-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, AMCA/ABMEC, Buenos Aires, Argentina,, Mecanica Computacional Vol XXIX, AMCA/ABMEC, Eduardo Dvorkin, Marcela Goldschmit, Mario Storti (Eds.), ISSN 1666-6070, pp. 6065-6089, Nov. 2010.

84.         Sousa, R.A.; Martha, L.F.; Castro, J.T.P.; Lopes, A.A.O., “Modelos que Avaliam a Influência do Encruamento no Tamanho e Forma de Zonas Plásticas”, MECOM 2010 – IX Argentinean Congress on Computational Mechanics / CILAMCE 2010 – XXXI Iberian-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, AMCA/ABMEC, Buenos Aires, Argentina,, Mecanica Computacional Vol XXIX, AMCA/ABMEC, Eduardo Dvorkin, Marcela Goldschmit, Mario Storti (Eds.), ISSN 1666-6070, pp. 7195-7208, Nov. 2010.

85.         Cambier, P.H.M.M.G.; Martha, L.F., “Simulação Computacional Tridimensional da Formação e Evolução de Plataformas Carbonáticas”, MECOM 2010 – IX Argentinean Congress on Computational Mechanics / CILAMCE 2010 – XXXI Iberian-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, AMCA/ABMEC, Buenos Aires, Argentina,, Mecanica Computacional Vol XXIX, AMCA/ABMEC, Eduardo Dvorkin, Marcela Goldschmit, Mario Storti (Eds.), ISSN 1666-6070, pp. 8521-8546, Nov. 2010.

86.         Carbono, A.J.J..; Martha, L.F.; Lopes, A.A.O., “Simulação Computacional da Evolução do Relevo de Bacias Hidrográficas: Erosão, Sedimentação, Tectônica”, MECOM 2010 – IX Argentinean Congress on Computational Mechanics / CILAMCE 2010 – XXXI Iberian-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, AMCA/ABMEC, Buenos Aires, Argentina,, Mecanica Computacional Vol XXIX, AMCA/ABMEC, Eduardo Dvorkin, Marcela Goldschmit, Mario Storti (Eds.), ISSN 1666-6070, pp. 8547-8569, Nov. 2010.

87.         Figueiredo, F.P.; Martha, L.F.; Waltham, D., “A Three-Dimensional Graphics Application for Numerical Simulations of Turbidity Currents in the Stratigraphic Modelling Process”, MECOM 2010 – IX Argentinean Congress on Computational Mechanics / CILAMCE 2010 – XXXI Iberian-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, AMCA/ABMEC, Buenos Aires, Argentina,, Mecanica Computacional Vol XXIX, AMCA/ABMEC, Eduardo Dvorkin, Marcela Goldschmit, Mario Storti (Eds.), ISSN 1666-6070, pp. 8633-8649, Nov. 2010.

88.         Pantoja, J.; Vaz, L.E.; Martha, L.F., “A Reliability Criterion to Evaluate the Performance of Strut-And-Tie Models applied in Design and Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, MECOM 2010 – IX Argentinean Congress on Computational Mechanics / CILAMCE 2010 – XXXI Iberian-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, AMCA/ABMEC, Buenos Aires, Argentina,, Mecanica Computacional Vol XXIX, AMCA/ABMEC, Eduardo Dvorkin, Marcela Goldschmit, Mario Storti (Eds.), ISSN 1666-6070, pp. 9005-9021, Nov. 2010.

89.         Pantoja, J.C.; Pecin, T.G.; Vaz, L.E.; Martha, L.F., “Reliability Analysis of Concrete Structures Applied to Strut-and-Tie Model”, Advances and Trends in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, A. Zingoni (Editor), Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, ISBN 978-0-415-58472-2, pp. 775-778, 2010.

90.         Costa, A.M.; Poiate Jr., E.; Amaral, C.S.; Pereira, A.M.B.; Martha, L.F.; Gattass, M.; Roehl, D.M., “Geomechanics Applied to the Well Design through Salt Layers in Brazil: A History of Success”. Proceedings of International Workshop on Multiscale and Multiphysics Processes in Geomechanics, Stanford University, São Francisco, California, Jun. 2010, R.I. Borja, E.M. Dunham, E. Kuhl and J.A. White (Eds), pp. 1-4, 2010.

91.         Pantoja, J.; Vaz, L.E.; Martha, L.F., “Modelo de Bielas e Tirantes Gerados por Otimização Topológica e Elementos Indutores”, XXX CILAMCE – 30th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC-COPPE/URFJ, Búzios, RJ,, Nov. 2009.

92.         Sousa, R.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Lopes, A.A.O.; Miranda, A.C.O., “Parâmetros que Influenciam nas Medidas de Zonas Plásticas Usando a Mecânica da Fratura Linear Elástica”, XXX CILAMCE – 30th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC-COPPE/URFJ, Búzios, RJ,, Nov. 2009.

93.         Lopes, A.A.O.; Sousa, R.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Determinação de Zonas Plásticas Usando a Mecânica da Fratura Linear Elástica e o Método Híbrido dos Elementos de Contorno”, XXX CILAMCE – 30th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC-COPPE/URFJ, Búzios, RJ,, Nov. 2009.

94.         Martha, L.F., “An Environment for 3D Geometric Modeling Applied to Finite Element Simulations”, XXIX CILAMCE – 29th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFAL, Maceió, AL, cilamce2008, Keynote Lecture, p. 2, Nov. 2008.

95.         Vilela, P.C.S.; Martha, L.F., “Soluções Fundamentais para Barras em Mísula pela Analogia da Viga Conjugada”, XXIX CILAMCE – 29th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/UFAL, Maceió, AL, http://www.acquacon., p. 20, Nov. 2008.

96.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F., “Surface Mesh Regeneration”, XXIX CILAMCE – 29th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC/ UFAL, Maceió, AL, http://www.acquacon., p. 20, Nov. 2008.

97.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Re-triangulation of Existing Surface Meshes with High Curvatures”, IASS-IACM 2008 – 6th International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures: “Spanning Nano to Mega”,, p. 4, Mai. 2008.

98.         Del Savio, A.A.; Nethercot, D.A.; Vellasco, P.C.G.S.; Andrade, S.A.L.; Martha, L.F., “A Component Method Model for Semi-rigid End-plate Beam-to-Column Joints including the Axial versus Bending Moment Interaction”, ICASS07 - Advances in Steel Structures, Singapore, Dec. 2007, Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures,, p. 6, 2007.

99.         Del Savio, A.A.; Nethercot, D.A.; Vellasco, P.C.G.S.; Andrade, S.A.L.; Martha, L.F., “Developments in Semi-rigid Joint Moment Versus Rotation Curves to Incorporate the Axial versus Moment Interaction”, ICSCS07 - Third International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Manchester, Inglaterra, July-Ago 2007, confercare/icscs07, p. 7 2007.

100.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Ingraffea, A.R., “3D Surface Mesh Generator”, USNCCM9 – 9th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, California, Jul. 2007, Abstract, 2007.

101.     Vaz, L.E.; Pereira, A.; Martha, L.F., “Reliability-Based Design Optimization of Space Trusses”, USNCCM9 – 9th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, California, Jul. 2007, Abstract, 2007.

102.     Telles, I.A.; Vargas Jr., E.A.; Lira, W.W.M.; Martha, L.F., “A System for the Modelling of Flow and Transport in Porous and Fractured Media”, 11th ISRM - Congress of International Society for Rock Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2007,, 2007.

103.     Lira, W.W.M.; Telles, I..A.; Vargas Jr., E.A.; Martha, L.F., “Uma Estratégia para Modelagem Geométrica e Geração de Malhas usadas em Simulações 3D de Fluxo em Meios Porosos e Fraturados”, CMNE 2007 – Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering and XXVIII CILAMCE – 28th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, APMTEC/SEMNI/ABMEC, Porto, Portugal,, p. 16, Jun. 2007.

104.     Sousa, R.A.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Lira, W.W.M.; Cavalcante-Neto, J.B.; Martha, L.F., “Two and Three Dimensional Geometry Based Adaptive Finite Element Analysis”, CMNE 2007 – Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering and XXVIII CILAMCE – 28th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, APMTEC/SEMNI/ABMEC, Porto, Portugal,, p. 18, Jun. 2007.

105.     Arruda, M.C.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Lira, W.W.M.; Martha, L.F., “Boolean Operations on Non-Manifold and B-Rep Solids for Mesh Generation”, XXVII CILAMCE – 27th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFPA/ABMEC/AMC, Belém, PA,, Set. 2006.

106.     Lira, W.W.M.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F., “A Technique for Computing Intersection of Parametric-Surface Meshes”, XXVII CILAMCE – 27th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFPA/ABMEC/AMC, Belém, PA,, Set. 2006.

107.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F., “Geração de Malha Tridimensional por Mapeamento”, XXVII CILAMCE – 27th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFPA/ABMEC/AMC, Belém, PA,, Set. 2006.

108.     Lira, W.W.M.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Telles, I.A.; Martha, L.F., “Uma Metodologia para Modelagem Geológica Tridimensional por Elementos Finitos”, XXVII CILAMCE – 27th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFPA/ABMEC/AMC, Belém, PA,, Set. 2006.

109.     Carvalho, C.V.A.; Lopes, A.A.O.; Carbono, A.J.J.; Bitton, L.F.R.; Martha, L.F.; Faccion, J.E., “Simulação Numérica para o Estudo da Formação de Bacias Sedimentares usando Modelagem Estratigráfica”, XXVII CILAMCE – 27th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFPA/ABMEC/AMC, Belém, PA,, Set. 2006.

110.     Meggiolaro, M.A.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Propagation Path and Fatigue Life Predictions of Branched Cracks under Plane Strain Conditions”, ECF 16 – 16th European Conference of Fracture, Alexandroupolis, Greece, Jul. 2006, p. 8 2006.

111.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Crack Bifurcation as a Retardation Mechanism”, Fatigue 2006 – 9th International Fatigue Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 2006, pp. FT288.1-FT288-10, 2006.

112.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “On the Modeling of Load Interaction Effects on Curved Fatigue Cracks”, Fatigue 2006 – 9th International Fatigue Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 2006, pp. FT285.1-FT285-10, 2006.

113.     Meggiolaro, M.A.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “On the Interaction between Fatigue Crack Branching and Closure”, COBEM 2005 – 18th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering – ABCM, Ouro Preto, MG, Nov. 2005, p. 8, 2005.

114.     Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Martha, L.F.; Ingraffea, A.R., “A Strategy for Improving the Robustness of Three-dimensional Advancing-front Algorithms”, XXVI CILAMCE – 26th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFES/ABMEC/AMC, Guarapari, ES,, Out. 2005.

115.     Burgos, R.B.; Silva, R.R.; Martha, L.F., “Avaliação de Cargas Críticas e Comportamento Pós-Crítico Inicial de Pórticos Planos”, XXVI CILAMCE – 26th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFES/ABMEC/AMC, Guarapari, ES,, Out. 2005.

116.     Del Savio, A.A.; Martha, L.F.; Andrade, S.A.L.; Vellasco, P.C.G.S.; Lima, L.R.O., “Structural Modelling of Vierendeel Beams with Semi-rigid Joints”, XXVI CILAMCE – 26th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFES/ABMEC/AMC, Guarapari, ES,, Out. 2005.

117.     Del Savio, A.A.; Andrade, S.A.L.; Vellasco, P.C.G.S.; Martha, L.F., “Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Semi-Rigid Steel Structures”, Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering – AICC 2005, Roma, Itália, Ago./Set. 2005,, vol. 1, pp. VIII-24.1-VIII-24.16, 2005.

118.     Del Savio, A.A.; Vellasco, P.C.G.S.; Andrade, S.A.L.; Martha, L.F., “Structural Evaluation of Semi-Rigid Steel Portal Frames”, Proceedings of Eurosteel 2005, Forth European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Maastricht, Holanda, Jun. 2005,, ISSN/ISBN 3861308126, vol. A, pp. 4.49-4.56, 2005.

119.     Holtz, G.C.C.; Martha, L.F.; Vaz, L.E., “Envelopes of Internal Forces due to Load-Trains in Bridges using an Evolution Strategy”, WCSMO6 – 6th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, ISSMO/AIAA, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, ISBN: 85–285–0070-5,, pp. 181.1-181.9, 2005.

120.     Carbono, A.J.J.; Menezes, I.F.M.; Martha, L.F., “Mooring Pattern Optimization using Genetic Algorithms”, WCSMO6 – 6th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, ISSMO/AIAA, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, ISBN: 85–285–0070-5,, pp. 182.1-182.9, 2005.

121.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Fatigue Crack Path and Life Predictions in 2D Structures”, X International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Costa Mesa, CA, USA, paper #378, 2004.

122.     Meggiolaro, M.A.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Quantitative Evaluation of Fatigue Crack Growth Retardation Due to Crack Branching”, Fatigue 2004 – 2nd SAE Brasil International Conference on Fatigue – SAE-Brasil, Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE no. 2004-01-2218, 2004.

123.     Lira, W. W. M.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Cavalcante Neto, J. B.; Martha, L.F., “Uma Metodologia para Análise Adaptativa 3D usando Modelagem Geométrica com Multi-Regiões e Superfícies Paramétricas”, XXV CILAMCE – 25th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFPE/AMC, Recife, PE,, Nov. 2004.

124.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Finite Element Analysis of the Fatigue Propagation of Bifurcated Cracks”, XXV CILAMCE – 25th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFPE/AMC, Recife, PE,, Nov. 2004.

125.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F., “Geração de Malhas Estruturadas a partir de um Espaço Paramétrico de Triangulações Estruturadas”, XXV CILAMCE – 25th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFPE/AMC, Recife, PE, http://www., Nov. 2004.

126.     Cavalcante Neto, J. B.; Martha, L.F.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Ingraffea, A.R., “A Back-Tracking Procedure for Optimization of Meshes”, XXV CILAMCE – 25th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFPE/AMC, Recife, PE, http://www., Nov. 2004.

127.     Del Savio, A.A.; Santi, M.R.; Martha, L.F., “Traçado de Curvas Offset para Auxílio na Geração de Malhas”, XXV CILAMCE – 25th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFPE/AMC, Recife, PE, http://www.demec.ufpe. br/cilamce2004, Nov. 2004.

128.     Niskier, C.; Velasco, M.S.L.; Martha, L.F., “Ferramenta Gráfico-Interativa para o Ensino de Projeto de Vigas de Edifícios de Concreto Armado”, XXV CILAMCE – 25th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFPE/AMC, Recife, PE,, Nov. 2004.

129.     Del Savio, A.A.; Andrade, S.A.L.; Vellasco, P.C.G.S.; Martha, L.F., “A Non-Linear System for Semi-Rigid Steel Portal Frame Analysis”, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology – CST2004, Lisboa, Portugal, Ago. 2004,, vol. 1, pp. 1-12, 2004.

130.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Propagation of Curved Fatigue Cracks under Variable Amplitude Loading”, COBEM 2003 – 17th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering – ABCM, São Paulo, SP, Nov. 2003.

131.     Santi, M.R.; Martha, L.F., “A Finite Element Approach for Geological Section Reconstruction”, XXIV CILAMCE – 24th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UFOP/AMC, Ouro Preto, MG, Out. 2003, pp. 1-12, 2003

132.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Crack Path Predictions on Modified C(T) Specimens under Variable Amplitude Loading”, FCP 2003 – International Conference on Fatigue Crack Paths, Parma, Itália, Set. 2003.

133.     Carvalho, C.V.A.; Martha, L.F.; Vargas Jr., E.A., “Transport of sediments in numerical simulation of sedimentary basins”, 4th International Workshop Applications of Computational Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering, Ouro Preto, MG, Ago. 2003, pp. 115-123, 2003.

134.     Bittencourt, T. N.; Martha, L.F.; Castro, J.T.P., “Numerical Modelling of Fracture and Fatigue Processes”, Symposium on Recent Developments in the Modeling of Rupture in Solids (ISBN: 2-11-094072-7), Foz do Iguaçú, PR, Ago. 2003, pp. 111-115, 2003.

135.     Meggiolaro, M.A.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Numerical Prediction of the Propagation of Branched Fatigue Cracks”, Proceedings of Second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (ISBN 0 08 044046 0), editor: K. J. Bathe, Cambridge, MA, USA, Jun. 2003, pp. 432-435, 2003.

136.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Finite Element Modeling of Fatigue Crack Bifurcation”, Proceedings of Second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (ISBN 0 08 044046 0), editor: K. J. Bathe, Cambridge, MA, USA, Jun. 2003, pp. 460-463, 2003.

137.     Santi, M.R.; Campos, J.L.E.; Martha, L.F., “3D Geological Restoration using a Finite Element Approach”, Proceedings of 23rd GOCAD Meeting 2003, Nancy, France, Jun. 2003, pp. 1-12, 2003.

138.     Carvalho, C.V.A.; Lopes, A.A.O.; Faccion, J.E.; Martha, L.F., “Simulation of Transport and Deposition of Siliciclastic Sediments in Platform, Slope, and Basin Environments”, Proceedings of 23rd GOCAD Meeting 2003, Nancy, France, Jun. 2003, pp. 13-28, 2003.

139.     Paz, C.N.M.; Martha, L.F.; Fairbairn, E.M.R.; Alves, J.L.D.; Ebecken, N.F.F.; Coutinho, A.L.G.A., “A Computational Approach for Three-Dimensional Probabilistic Discrete Cracking in Concrete”, EURO-C 2003 – Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, St. Johann im Pongau, Austria, Mar. 2003, meio digital:, 2003.

140.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F., “Mesh Generation on High-Curvature Surfaces based on a Background Quadtree Structure”, Proceedings of 11th International Meshing Roundtable, Ithaca, NY, EUA, Set. 2002, pp. 333-341, 2002.

141.     Lira, W.W.M.; Coelho, L.C.G.; Martha, L.F., “Multiple Intersections of Finite-Element Surface Meshes”, Proceedings of 11th International Meshing Roundtable, Ithaca, NY, EUA, Set. 2002, pp. 355-363, 2002.

142.     Paz, C.N.M.; Martha, L.F.; Fairbairn, E.M.R.; Alves, J.L.D.; Ebecken, N.F.F.; Coutinho, A.L.G.A., “3D Simulation of Concrete Cracking: Probabilistic Formulation in a Parallel Environment”, Proceedings the Sixth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, Set. 2002, B.H.V. Topping and Z. Bittnar (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, ISBN 0-948749-81-4, pp. 57.1-57.19, 2002.

143.     Paz, C.N.M.; Martha, L.F.; Fairbairn, E.M.R.; Alves, J.L.D.; Ebecken, N.F.F.; Coutinho, A.L.G.A., “Implementation and Development of Probabilistic Model for 3D Discrete Cracking Concrete in Parallel Computing”, Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, IACM, Vienna, Austria, Jul. 2002, on-line publication (ISBN 3-9501554-0-6),, Paper-ID: 80481, p. 10, 2002.

144.     Martha, L.F.; Parente Jr., E., “An Object-Oriented Framework for Finite Element Programming”, Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, IACM, Vienna, Austria, Jul. 2002, on-line publication (ISBN 3-9501554-0-6),, Paper-ID: 80480, p. 10, 2002.

145.     Paz, C.N.M.; Martha, L.F.; Fairbairn, E.M.R.; Alves, J.L.D.; Ebecken, N.F.F.; Coutinho, A.L.G.A., “Probabilistic Model for 3D Discrete Cracking Concrete in Parallel Computing”, Proceedings of VECPAR’2002 – 5th International Meeting on High Performance Computing for Computational Science, Lisboa, Portugal, Jun. 2002, part II, pp. 563-576.

146.     Santi, M.R.; Campos, J.L.E.; Martha, L.F., “A Finite Element Approach for Geological Section Reconstruction”, Proceedings of 22nd GOCAD Meeting 2002, Nancy, France, Jun. 2002, pp. 1-13, 2002.

147.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Bittencourt, T.N., “Curved Crack Propagation under Complex Loading”, II Seminário Internacional de Fadiga – SAE-Brasil, Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), seção Brasil, Dez. 2001, pp. 133-143, SAE no. 2001-01-4069, 2001.

148.     Moretti, C.O.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “An Integrated Parallel System for Propagation of Arbitrary Cracks in Solid Models”, XXII CILAMCE – 22nd Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, UNICAMP/AMC, Campinas, SP, Nov. 2001, pp. 1-11, 2001.

149.     Meggiolaro, M. A.; Castro, J. T. P.; Miranda, A. C. O.; Martha, L. F.; Bittencourt, T. N., “Prediction of Fatigue Life and Crack Path in Generic 2D Structural Components under Complex Loading”, Proceedings of COBEM 2001: Fracture Mechanics and Structural Integrity, ABCM, ISBN 85-85769-06-6, Uberlândia, MG , Nov. 2001, vol. 12, pp. 257-266, 2001.

150.     Lira, W.M.; Cavalcanti, P.R., Coelho, L.C.G.; Martha, L.F., “An OOP Approach for Mesh Generation of Multi-Region Models with NURBS”, SIBGRAPI’2001 – XIV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Vision, UFSC/SBC, Florianópolis, SC, Out. 2001, IEEE Computer Society Order Number PRO1330, ISBN 0-7695-1330-1, Eds. Dibio Borges & S.T. Wu, pp. 18-25, 2001.

151.     Martha, L.F.; Campos, J.L.E., Cavalcante Neto, J.B., “On the Use of Finite Elements in gOcad”, Proceedings of 21st GOCAD Meeting 2001, Nancy, France, Jun. 2001, vol. 1, pp. 1-12, 2001.

152.     Moretti, C.O.; Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “A Parallel Environment for Three-Dimensional Finite Element Method Analysis”, Developments in Engineering Computational Technology, B.H.V. Topping (Editor), Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, ISBN 0-948749-70-9, pp. 283-287, 2000.

153.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F., “Uma Biblioteca Computacional para Geração de Malhas Bidimensionais e Tridimensionais de Elementos Finitos”, XXI CILAMCE – 21st Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, PUC-Rio/AMC, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Dez. 2000, vol. 03, pp. 09.1-09.15, 2000.

154.     Lira, W.W.M.; Coelho, L.C.G.; Martha, L.F., “Uma Estrutura de Dados para Análise Adaptativa 3D pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos”, XXI CILAMCE – 21st Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, PUC-Rio/AMC, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Dez. 2000, vol. 03, pp. 10.1-10.14, 2000.

155.     Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Carvalho, M.T.M.; Martha, L.F., “Um Algoritmo para Geração de Malha Não-estruturada Tetraédrica para Regiões Arbitrárias”, XXI CILAMCE – 21st Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, PUC-Rio/AMC, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Dez. 2000, vol. 03, pp. 11.1-11.21, 2000.

156.     Araújo, T.D.P.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Roehl, D.M.; Martha, L.F., “Cálculo dos Parâmetros de Fratura Linear Elástica Baseados numa Estratégia Auto-adaptativa”, XXI CILAMCE – 21st Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, PUC-Rio/AMC, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Dez. 2000, vol. 03, pp. 15.1-15.18, 2000.

157.     Silveira, E.S.S.; Martha, L.F.; Menezes, I.F.M.; Masetti, I.Q., “Sistema Computacional Integrado para Análise Dinâmica Não-Linear Geométrica de Linhas de Ancoragem”, XXI CILAMCE – 21st Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, PUC-Rio/AMC, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Dez. 2000, vol. 07, pp. 26.1-26.20, 2000.

158.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Bittencourt, T.N., “Fatigue Crack Propagation Under Complex Loading in Arbritrary 2D Geometries”, ASTM Fourth Symposium on Applications of Automation Technology in Fatigue and Fracture Testing and Analysis, Orlando, Florida, Nov. 2000, Program and Abstracts, p. 14, 2000.

159.     Backheuser, Y.; Barreto Jr., A.B.; Romeu, R.K.; Russo, E.E.R.; Reis, L.P.; Huynh, P.; Martha, L.F., “Uma Interface Gráfica para Modelagem Estratigráfica Utilizando o Gocad”, Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference’2000, IBP, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Out. 2000, pp. 386.1-386-6, 2000.

160.     Bueno, E.M.R.; Carvalho, C.V.A.; Martha, L.F.; Bittencourt, T.N., “A Graphics and Object-Oriented System for Modeling 2D Cohesive Crack Problems”, ECCOMAS 2000 – European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Barcelona, Espanha, Set. 2000, pp. 281.1-281-18, 2000.

161.     Araújo, T.D.P.; Roehl, D.M.; Martha, L.F., “An Adaptive Strategy for Elastic-Plastic Two-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis”, ECCOMAS 2000 – European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Barcelona, Espanha, Set. 2000, pp. 327.1-327.17, 2000.

162.     Araújo, T.D.P.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Roehl, D.M.; Martha, L.F., “Numerical Estimation of Fracture Parameters in Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Analysis”, ECCOMAS 2000 – European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Barcelona, Espanha, Set. 2000, pp. 328.1-328.18, 2000.

163.     Einsfeld, R.A.; Martha, L.F.; Bittencourt, T.N., “Combination of Smeared and Discrete Approaches with the Use of Interface Elements”, ECCOMAS 2000 – European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Barcelona, Espanha, Set. 2000, pp. 329.1-329.8, 2000.

164.     Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Martha, L.F., “A Prototype for a System for Adaptive Analysis in Three Dimensions”, ICTAM2000 - 20th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Chicago, EUA, Ago. 2000, p. 60 (abstract), ISSN: 0073-5264, 2000.

165.     Moretti, C.O.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “A Multiplatform Distributed FEM Analysis System using PVM and MPI”, Proceedings of VECPAR’2000 – 4th International Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing, Lisboa, Portugal, Jun. 2000, pp. 819-828, 2000.

166.     Einsfeld, R.A.; Martha, L.F.; Bittencourt, T.N., “Simulação Numérica do Efeito de Escala em Estruturas de Concreto através do Controle da Abertura das Fissuras”, Proceedings of XX CILAMCE – 20th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering and 1st Brazilian Congress on Computational Mechanics, USP/AMC, São Paulo, SP, Nov. 1999, pp. 092.1-092.9, 1999.

167.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Martha, L.F., “Mapeamento Transfinito Tridimensional”, Proceedings of XX CILAMCE – 20th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering and 1st Brazilian Congress on Computational Mechanics, USP/AMC, São Paulo, SP, Nov. 1999, pp. 142.1-142.13, 1999.

168.     Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Martha, L.F., “Um Protótipo para um Sistema de Análise Adaptativa em Três Dimensões”, Proceedings of XX CILAMCE – 20th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering and 1st Brazilian Congress on Computational Mechanics, USP/AMC, São Paulo, SP, Nov. 1999, pp. 165.1-165.20, 1999.

169.     Bueno, E.M.R.; Carvalho, C.V.A.; Martha, L.F.; Bittencourt, T.N., “Um Sistema Computacional Gráfico Orientado a Objetos para Modelamento Bidimensional de Problemas de Fraturamento Coesivo”, Proceedings of XX CILAMCE – 20th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering and 1st Brazilian Congress on Computational Mechanics, USP/AMC, São Paulo, SP, Nov. 1999, pp. 203.1-203.18, 1999.

170.     Carvalho, C.V.A.; Araújo, T.D.P.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “Simulação Bidimensional Adaptativa de Processo de Fraturamento por Fadiga”, Proceedings of XX CILAMCE – 20th Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering and 1st Brazilian Congress on Computational Mechanics, USP/AMC, São Paulo, SP, Nov. 1999, pp. 204.1-204.19, 1999.

171.     Miranda, A.C.O.; Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Martha, L.F., “An Algorithm for Two-dimensional Mesh Generation for Arbitrary Regions with Cracks”, SIBGRAPI’99 – XII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Vision, UNICAMP/SBC, Campinas, SP, Out. 1999, IEEE Computer Society Order Number PRO0481, ISBN 0-7695-0481-7, Eds.: J. Stolfi & C. Tozzi, pp. 29-38, 1999.

172.     Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Carvalho, M.T.M.; Martha, L.F.; Ingraffea, A.R., “An Algorithm for Three-dimensional Mesh Generation for Arbitrary Regions with Cracks”, Fifth US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, University of Colorado, Bolder, Ago. 1999, Book of Abstracts, p. 102, 1999.

173.     Peixoto, R.H.; Martha, L.F.; Vellasco, P.C.G.S.; Andrade, S.A.L., “An Integrated Steel Design System Developed for Educational Purposes”, Proceedings of IABSE Symposium 1999, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Ago. 1999, pp. 1035-1040, 1999.

174.     Martha, L.F., “Ftool: A Structural Analysis Educational Interactive Tool”, Proceedings of Workshop in Multimedia Computer Techniques in Engineering Education, Institute for Structural Analysis, Technical University of Graz, Áustria, Fev. 1999, pp. 51-65, 1999.

175.     Carvalho, C.V.; Araújo, T.D.P.; Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Martha, L.F.; Bittencourt, T.N., “Automatic Fatigue Crack Propagation using a Self-adaptive Strategy”, PACAM IV – Sixth Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics and Eighth International Conference on Dynamic Problems in Mechanics, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Jan. 1999, Vol. 6, pp.377-380, 1999.

176.     Martha, L.F., “An Interactive Graphics Tool for Teaching Structure Analysis and Design”, ICEE98 – International Conference on Engineering Education, Rio de Janeiro, Ago. 1998, painel apresentado, 1998.

177.     Einsfeld, R.A.; Roehl, D.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “Mapping of Local Variables due to Remeshing in Non-linear Plasticity Problems”, Fourth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, IACM, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jun.-Jul. 1998, Vol. I, p. 511 (abstract) and CD-rom (full paper), 1998.

178.     Araújo, T.D.P.; Roehl, D.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “Adaptive Simulation of Elastic Plastic Fracture Processes”, Fourth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, IACM, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jun.-Jul. 1998, Vol. I, p. 544 (abstract) and CD-rom (full paper), 1998.

179.     Moretti, C.O.; Fujji, G.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “A Computational Environment for Structural Analysis Combining Graphical Interfaces, Object-oriented Programming and Parallel Processing”, Fourth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, IACM, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jun.-Jul. 1998, Vol. II, p. 870 (abstract) and CD-rom (full paper), 1998.

180.     Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Menezes I.F.M.; Paulino, G.H.; Martha, L.F., “A Methodology for Self-Adaptive Finite Element Analysis: Towards an Integrated Computational Environment”, Fourth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, IACM, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jun.-Jul. 1998, Vol. II, p. 887 (abstract) and CD-rom (full paper), 1998.

181.     Moretti, C.O.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “A Low Cost Distributed System for FEM Parallel Structural Analysis”, VECPAR’98 – 3rd International Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing, Lisboa, Portugal, Jun. 1998, vol. III, pp. 1063-1075, 1998.

182.     Gerhardt, A.; Paiva, A.C.; Schimidt, A.E.; Martha, L.F.; Carvalho, P.C.P.; Gattass, M., “Aspects of 3-D Seismic Data Volume Rendering”, GOCAD ENSG Conference – 3D Modeling of Natural Objects: A Challenge for the 2000’s, Nancy, France, Jun. 1998, Vol. 1 – Fundamentals of Methods, pp. 205-216, 1998.

183.     Einsfeld, R.A.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “Inserção de Fissuras Discretas em Estruturas de Concreto a partir do Enfoque Distribuido”, Anais do XVIII Congresso Ibero Latino Americano sobre Métodos Computacionais para Engenharia, UNB/AMC, Brasília, DF, Out. 1997, Vol. 2, pp. 611-617, 1997.

184.     Araújo, T.D.P.; Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Carvalho, M.T.M.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “Simulação Adaptativa dos Processos de Fratura Baseada nas Técnicas de Enumeração Espacial”, Anais do XVIII Congresso Ibero Latino Americano sobre Métodos Computacionais para Engenharia, UNB/AMC, Brasília, DF, Out. 1997, Vol. 3, pp. 1185-1192, 1997.

185.     Coelho, L.C.G.; Gattass, M.; Martha, L.F., “Modeling Techniques to Generate 3D Meshes”, Joint Conference of Italian Group of Computational Mechanics and Ibero-Latin American Association of Computational Methods in Engineering, Padua, Italia, Set. 1996, pp. 169-172, 1996.

186.     Martha, L.F.; Menezes, I.F.M.; Lages, E.N.; Parente Jr., E.; Pitangueira, R.L.S., “An OOP Class Organization for Materially Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis”, Join Conference of Italian Group of Computational Mechanics and Ibero-Latin American Association of Computational Methods in Engineering, Padua, Italia, Set. 1996, pp. 229-232, 1996.

187.     Santi, M.R.; Vellasco, P.C.G.; Andrade, S.A.L.; Martha, L.F.; “An Adaptive Environment for the Design Automation of Steel Connections”, Proceedings of SSRC IC/BRASIL’96 – Fifth International Colloquium on Structural Stability, SSRC/COPPE, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Ago. 1996, pp. 143-154, 1996.

188.     Silveira, E.S.S.; Carvalho, M.T.M.; Martha, L.F., “Um Sistema Configurável Adaptativo para Simulação de Problemas Bidimensionais de Mecânica Computacional”, Anais do XVI Congresso Ibero Latino Americano sobre Métodos Computacionais para Engenharia, UFPR/AMC, Curitiba, PR, Nov.-Dez. 1995, Vol. 1, pp. 216-225, 1995.

189.     Sousa, J.L.A.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “Simulação Tridimensional de Fissuras Não Planas em Sólidos de Geometria Arbitrária”, Anais do XVI Congresso Ibero Latino Americano sobre Métodos Computacionais para Engenharia, UFPR/AMC, Curitiba, PR, Nov.-Dez. 1995, Vol. 2, pp. 1092-1101, 1995.

190.     Castier, B.; Cavalcanti, P.R.; Martha, L.F.; Carvalho, P.C.P., “Three-dimensional Visualization of Geological Unities Represented by Spatial Subdivisions”, apresentado na Fourth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, Nashville, Tennessee, Nov. 1995, Conference Program, p. A12, 1995.

191.     Celes Fº, W.; Carvalho, P.C.P.; Gattass, M.; Martha, L.F., “A Topological Data Structure for Hierarchical Planar Subdivisions”, apresentado na Fourth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, Nashville, Tennessee, Nov. 1995, Conference Program, p. A20, 1995.

192.     Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Carvalho, M.T.M.; Martha, L.F., “Sistema Gráfico Integrado Auto-adaptativo para Análise de Modelos Bidimensionais de Elementos Finitos”, Anais do XV Congresso Ibero Latino Americano sobre Métodos Computacionais para Engenharia, UFMG/AMC, Belo Horizonte, MG, Nov. 1994, Vol. 1, pp. 513-522, 1994.

193.     Martha, L.F.; Celes Fº, W.; Corseuil, E.T.; Figueiredo, V.S., “An Interactive System for Teaching Frame Structure Behavior”, Proceedings of Calisce’94: International Conference on Computer Aided Learning and Instruction in Science and Engineering, Paris, France, Aug. 1994, pp. - , 1994.

194.     Bittencourt, T.N.; Sousa, J.L.A.; Martha, L.F.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Aspectos de Modelagem Geométrica e Numérica em Simulação Tridimensional de Propagação de Trincas em Materiais Frágeis”, Anais do XIV Congresso Ibero Latino Americano sobre Métodos Computacionais para Engenharia, IPT-USP/AMC, São Paulo, SP, Dez. 1993, Vol. 2, pp. 858-867, 1993.

195.     Coelho, L.C.G.; Martha, L.F.; Souza, C.S.; Gattass, M., “Geração de Malhas de Superfície no Espaço via Interface com Manipulação Direta e Orientação a Objetos”, Anais do XIV Congresso Ibero Latino Americano sobre Métodos Computacionais para Engenharia, IPT-USP/AMC, São Paulo, SP, Dez. 1993, Vol. 2, pp. 1275-1284, 1993.

196.     Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Carvalho, M.T.M.; Martha, L.F., “Geração Auto-adaptativa de Malhas de Elementos Finitos Utilizando uma Técnica de Enumeração Espacial Recursiva”, Anais do XIV Congresso Ibero Latino Americano sobre Métodos Computacionais para Engenharia, IPT-USP/AMC, São Paulo, SP, Dez. 1993, Vol. 2, pp. 1285-1294, 1993.

197.     Martha, L.F.; Carvalho, M.T.M.; Cavalcante Neto, J.B., “Combination of Quadtree and Delaunay Techniques for FEA Triangulation”, apresentado na Third SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, Tempe, Arizona, Nov. 1993, Final Program, Abstracts, p. A3, 1993.

198.     Vianna, A.C.; Guimarães, L.G.S.; Paiva, A.C.; Martha, L.F., “Uma Ferramenta Gráfica-Interativa para Ensino de Modelagem por Elementos Finitos para Elasticidade Plana”, Anais do XIII Congresso Ibero Latino Americano sobre Métodos Computacionais para Engenharia, UFRGS/AMC, Porto Alegre, RS, Nov. 1992, pp. 333-341, 1992.

199.     Guimarães, L.G.S.; Menezes, I.F.M.; Martha, L.F., “Disciplina de Programação Orientada para Objetos para Sistemas de Elementos Finitos”, Anais do XIII Congresso Ibero Latino Americano sobre Métodos Computacionais para Engenharia, UFRGS/AMC, Porto Alegre, RS, Nov. 1992, pp. 342-351, 1992.

200.     Carvalho, P.C.P.; Cavalcanti, P.R.; Martha, L.F., “Handling Subdivisions of the Three-Dimensional Euclidian Space”, apresentado no mini-simpósio Nonmanifold Data Structures and Subdivisions of the Three-dimensional Space of the Second SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, Tempe, Arizona, Nov. 1991, Extended Abstracts, p. 41, 1991.

201.     Martha, L.F.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Potyondy, D., “Non-manifold Data Structures for Mesh Generation”, apresentado no mini-simpósio Nonmanifold Data Structures and Subdivisions of the Three-dimensional Space of the Second SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, Tempe, Arizona, Nov. 1991, Final Program, Abstracts, p. A27, 1991.

202.     Martha, L.F.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Arbitrary Crack Representation using Solid Modeling”, apresentado no mini-simpósio Modelling Implicitly Defined Surfaces and Volumes of the Second SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, Tempe, Arizona, Nov. 1991, Final Program, Abstracts, p. A27, 1991.

203.     Celes , W.; Martha, L.F.; Gattass, M., “Um Pós-Processador Genérico de Elementos Finitos”, Anais do XI Congresso Ibero Latino Americano sobre Métodos Computacionais para Engenharia, COPPE/AMC, Petrópolis, RJ, Out. 1990, pp. 569-577, 1990.

204.     Wawrzynek, P.A.; Martha, L.F.; Ingraffea, A.R., “FRANSYS: A Software System for the Simulation of Crack Propagation in Three-Dimensions”, Proceedings of IUTAM/IACM Symposium on Discretization Methods in Structural Mechanics, Vienna, Austria, July 1989, Springer-Verlag, pp. 273-282, 1990.

205.     Carvalho, P.C.P.; Gattass, M.; Martha, L.F., “A Software Tool which Allows Interactive Creation of Planar Subdivisions, and Applications to Educational Programs”, CATS’90 – Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Aided Training in Science and Technology, Barcelona, Espanha, July 1990, Edited by E. Oñate et al., CIMNE–Pineridge Press, pp. 201-207, 1990.

206.     Martha, L.F.; Wawrzynek, P.A.; Ingraffea, A.R., “Simulation of Arbitrary Crack Propagation in Three-Dimensions”, Numerical Methods in Fracture Mechanics – Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference held in Freiburg, Federal Republic of Germany, April 1990, Edited by A.R. Luxmoore and D.R.J. Owen, Pineridge Press, pp. 115-127, 1990.

207.     Martha, L.F.; Abel, J.F., “Test of Quadratic Isoparametric Solid Element Families”, Proceedings of Quality Assurance and Standards in Finite Element Analysis International Conference, Brighton, Ingraterra, 1987.

208.     Ingraffea, A.R.; Martha, L.F.; Gerstle, W.H. “Interactive-Adaptive Fracture Analysis”, Abstracts of First World Congress on Computational Mechanics, International Association for Computational Mechanics, Austin, Texas, vol. 1, 1986.

209.     Vaz, L.E.; Feijó, B.; Martha, L.F.; Lopes, M.M., “Determination of the Ultimate Load in Concrete Slabs by the Yield Line Finite Element Method”, Proceedings of the Conference on Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Power Plants, Porto Alegre, pp. 129-142, 1984.

210.     Diaz, B.E.; Vaz, L.E.; Martha, L.F.; Costa, E., “Structural Analysis of Reactor Buildings with Help of Complete FE Models”, Proceedings of the Conference on Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Power Plants, Porto Alegre, pp. 169-183, 1984.

211.     Martha, L.F.; Roehl, J.L., “Cálculo de Forças de Onda em Águas Profundas”, Anais do II Congresso Latino-Americano sobre Métodos Computacionais para Engenharia, UFPR/ AMC, Curitiba, 1980.




1.             Gomes, B.C.; Martha, L.F.; Santos, S.H.C., “Análise Não-Linear Física de Pórticos Planos em Concreto Armado com Redução da Rigidez pelo Método Aproximado Normativo e Método Iterativo com Diagrama Momento-Curvatura”, XII Congresso Brasileiro de Pontes e Estruturas – XII CBPE, ABECE – Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Consultoria Estrutural – Congresso Virtual, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Jun. 2021, pp. 065_01-065_10, 2021.

2.             Martins, J.O.V.; Rodrigues, M.A.C.; Burgos, R.B.; Martha, L.F., “Método simplificado para análise não linear geométrica de edifícios de concreto armado considerando deformação por cisalhamento no MASTAN2”, XIII SIMMEC 2018 – Simpósio de Mecânica Computacional, UFES/ABMEC, Vitória, ES, Nov. 2018.

3.             Gomes, B.C.; Martha, L.F.; Santos, S.H.C.; Miranda, F., “Ferramenta gráfico-interativa para o dimensionamento de pórticos planos de concreto armado”, Anais do 60º Congresso Brasileiro de Concreto - CBC 2018 – 60 CBC, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, Set. 2018, ISSN: 2175-8182, pp. 1-12, 2018.

4.             Interlandi, C.; Martha, L.F.; Santos, S.H.C., “Confiabilidade em Estruturas de Concreto Armado: Estudo Comparativo entre Enfoques de Estado Limite Último e de Segurança Global”, X Congresso Brasileiro de Pontes e Estruturas – XCBPE, ABECE – Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Consultoria Estrutural, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Mai. 2018, p. 10, 2018.

5.             Silva, M.F.D.S.; Nacht, P.K.K.; Martha, L.F., “Ferramenta gráfico-interativa para o dimensionamento de pórticos planos de concreto armado”, Anais do 59º Congresso Brasileiro de Concreto - CBC 2017 –59 CBC, Bento Golçalves, RS, Out.-Nov. 2017, ISSN: 2175-8182, pp. 1-16, 2017.

6.             Interlandi, C.; Pereira, A.; Martha, L.F.; Santos, S.H.C., “Confiabilidade em Estruturas de Concreto Armado: Abordagem Bayesiana da Reavaliação da Resistência do Concreto – Um Estudo de Caso”, Anais do 59º Congresso Brasileiro de Concreto - CBC 2017 –59 CBC, Bento Golçalves, RS, Out.-Nov. 2017, ISSN: 2175-8182, pp. 1-16, 2017.

7.             Nacht, P.K.K.; Martha, L.F., “Addin for Autodesk Robot for the SLS Design of Prestressed Concrete Beams with Post-tensioned Bonded Tendons”, Anais do 57º Congresso Brasileiro de Concreto - CBC 2015 –57 CBC, Bonito, MS, Out. 2015, ISSN: 2175-8182, pp. 1-14, 2015.

8.             Martha, L.F.; Burgos, R.B., “Possíveis Inconsistências na Consideração da Distorção por Cisalhamento numa Viga Submetida a Carregamento Axial”, Anais do 57º Congresso Brasileiro de Concreto - CBC 2015 –57 CBC, Bonito, MS, Out. 2015, ISSN: 2175-8182, pp. 1-13, 2015.

9.             Sotelino, E.D.; Martha, L.F., “ Disciplinas Integradoras: Modelagem da Informação para Projetos Sustentáveis”, Congresso Nacional de Tecnologia e Inovação para Projetos e Empreendimentos de Infraestrutura da AUTEC – Associação de Empresas e Profissionais de Automação de Projetos de Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Dez. 2012, p. 1, 2012.

10.         Góes, R.C.O.; Rodrigues, L.D.; Castro-Neto, J.; Castro, J.T.P.; Freire, J.L.F.; Martha, L.F., “Measurement of Elastic-Plastic Strains Around Notches Using DIC Techniques”, Proceedings of COBEM 2011 – 21st Brazilian Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Natal, RN, Out. 2011, p. 9, 2011.

11.         Sousa, R.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Lopes, A.A.O., “Improved Estimates of Plastic Zones Around Crack Tips - Part 1: The Effects of the T-Stresses and of the Westergaard Stress Function”, Proceedings of COBEM 2011 – 21st Brazilian Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Natal, RN, Out. 2011, p. 9, 2011.

12.         Sousa, R.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F.; Lopes, A.A.O., “Improved Estimates of Plastic Zones Around Crack Tips - Part 2: PZ Estimates Using Stress Fields Generated by the Complete Williams Series”, Proceedings of COBEM 2011 – 21st Brazilian Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Natal, RN, Out. 2011, p. 9, 2011.

13.         Pantoja, J.; Vaz, L.E.; Martha, L.F.; Santos, S.H.C., “Projeto e Avaliação do modelo de Bielas e Tirantes via Otimização Topológica e Análise de Confiabilidade”, Anais do CBC 2010 – 52º Congresso Brasileiro de Concreto, IBRACON, Fortaleza, CE, Out. 2010, pp. 1-16, 2010.

14.         Pantoja, J.C.; Vaz, L.E.; Martha, L.F., “Avaliação de Desempenho de Modelos de Bielas e Tirantes via Análise de Confiabilidade”, Anais do CBPE 2010 - III Congresso Brasileiro de Pontes e Estruturas, ABPE/IABSE, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Abr. 2010, pp. 1-19, 2010.

15.         Nojima, V.L.; Martha, L.F., “Organizando a Aplicação dos Instrumentos: Matriz da Coleta de Informação”, Anais do Encontro de Avaliação Institucional das IES Associadas da ABESC e ABRUC, Campinas, Nov. 2005, ABESC/ABRUC/PUC-Campinas, pp. 35-44, 2005.

16.         Holtz, G.C.C.; Martha, L.F.; Vaz, L.E., “Envoltória de Esforços Internos devidos a Ação de Trens-Tipo em Pontes usando Estratégia Evolutiva”, Congresso de Pontes e Estruturas da ABPE - 2005, ABPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Out. 2005, p. 13, 2005.

17.         Carvalho, C.V.A.; Martha, L.F.; Texeira, W., “Fluxovento – Um Simulador Gráfico Interativo para o Estudo de Ventilação em Ambientes Construídos”, ENCAC-ELACAC 2005 – VIII Encontro Nacional sobre Conforto no Ambiente Construído e IV Encontro Latino-Americano sobre Conforto no Ambiente Construído, UFAL, Maceió, AL, Out. 2005, ISBN 85-89478-12-2, p. 11, 2005.

18.         Telles, I.A.; Vargas Jr., E.A.; Lira, W.W.M.; Martha, L.F., “Uma Ferramenta Computacional para a Geração de Sistemas de Fraturas em Meios Rochosos”, INFOGEO 2005 – 5° Simpósio Brasileiro de Aplicações de Informática em Geotecnia, ABMS/UFMG, Belo Horizonte, MG, Mai. 2005, pp. 193-200, 2005.

19.         Del Savio, A.A.; Andrade, S.A.; Vellasco, P.C.G.S.; Martha, L.F., “Otimização da Flexão em Estruturas de Aço com Ligações Semi-Rígidas através de Algoritmos Genéticos”, Anais do 1º Workshop de Inteligência Computacional Aplicada da PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Ago, 2004,, vol. 1, pp. 1-12, 2004.

20.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Lopes, A.A.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Finite Element Analysis of Notch-Root Stress and Strain Concentration Factors under Large Deformations”, CONEM 2004 – Congresso Nacional de Engenharia Mecânica – ABCM, Belém, PA, Ago. 2004, 2004.

21.         Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., “Evaluation of Fatigue Crack Growth Retardation and Arrest in Bifurcated Cracks”, Anais do 58° Congresso Anual da ABM – Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais – Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Jul. 2003, pp. 2363-2372, 2003.

22.         Bueno, E.M.R.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Carvalho, C.V.A.; Martha, L.F., “Simulação Bidimensional de Fraturamento Coesivo por Meio de Modelos de Amolecimento Lineares”, CONEM 2000 – Congresso Nacional de Engenharia Mecânica, Natal, RN, Ago. 2000, 2000.

23.         Kaefer, L.F.; Martha, L.F.; Bittencourt, T.N., “Ftool:  Ensino do Comportamento das Estruturas de Concreto Armado sob Não-linearidade Física e Geométrica”, IV Simpósio EPUSP sobre Estruturas de Concreto, São Paulo, SP, Ago. 2000, pp. 122.1-122.20, 2000.

24.         Kaefer, L.F.; Martha, L.F.; Bittencourt, T.N., “Ftool: Ensino de Comportamento de Estruturas com Múltiplos Casos e Combinações de Carregamento”, IV SIMMEC – IV Simpósio Mineiro de Mecânica Computacional, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, MG, Mai. 2000, pp. 305-312, 2000.

25.         Romeu, R.K.; Backheuser, Y.; Russo, E.E.R.; Reis, L.P.; Huynh, P.; Martha, L.F., “Implementações no Programa Gocad para Aplicações de Caracterização de Reservatórios”, XIX COBEM, Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecânica, ABCM, Águas de Lindóia, SP, Nov. 1999 (anais em CD-Rom), 1999.

26.         Fonseca, L.T.S.; Reis, L.P.; Martha, L.F., “Uma Arquitetura para Construção de Ferramentas de Manipulação para Visualização Interativa de Dados Volumétricos”, Anais do X Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, EPUSP/SBC, Campos do Jordão, SP, Out. 1997 (anais em CD-Rom), 1997.

27.         Carvalho, M.T.M.; Martha, L.F.; Celes Filho, W., “Pos3D: Um Pós-processador Genérico para Modelos 3D de Elementos Finitos”, Anais do X Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, EPUSP/SBC, Campos do Jordão, SP, Out. 1997 (anais em CD-Rom), 1997.

28.         Martha, L.F.; Carvalho, M.T.M.; Seixas, R.B., “Volume Contouring of Generic Unstructured Meshes”, Anais do IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, UFMG/SBC, Caxambú, MG, Out. 1996, pp. 211-218, 1996.

29.         Seixas, R.B.; Gattass, M.; Figueiredo, L.H.; Martha, L.F., “Visualização Volumétrica com Otimizações do Ray Casting e Detecção de Bordas”, Anais do VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, UFSC/SBC, São Carlos, SP, Out. 1995, pp. 281-286, 1995.

30.         Carvalho, M.T.M.; Martha, L.F.; Wawrzynek, P.A., “Uma Arquitetura para Configuração de Modeladores Geométricos: Aplicação a Mecânica Computacional”, Anais do XXII SEMISH / PANEL 95 – XXII Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware e XXII Conferência Latino-Americana de Informática, Canela, RS, Jul.-Ago. 1995, Vol. 1, pp. 123-134, 1995.

31.         Sousa, J.L.A.; Bittencourt, T.N.; Martha, L.F., “Modelagem Geométrica de Propagação Tridimensional de Fissuras”, Anais do I Seminário de Mecânica da Fratura, Assoc. Bras. Metalurgia e Materiais, Ouro Preto, MG, Jun. 1995, pp. 159-170, 1995.

32.         Castier, B.; Martha, L.F.; Gattass, M., “Uma Taxonomia para Manipulação Interativa e Visualização de Objetos 3D”, Anais do VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, UFPR/SBC, Curitiba, PR, Nov. 1994, pp. 149-156, 1994.

33.         Cavalcanti, P.R.; Carvalho, P.C.P.; Martha, L.F., “Construção de Decomposição do Espaço e Objetos Heterogêneos”, Anais do VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, UFPR/SBC, Curitiba, PR, Nov. 1994, pp. 279-285, 1994.

34.         Seixas, B.R.; Gattass, M.; Figueiredo, L.H.; Martha, L.F., “Otimização do Algoritmo de Ray Casting para Visualização de Tomografias”, Caderno de Comunicações do VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, UFPR/SBC, Curitiba, PR, Nov. 1994, pp. 5-8, 1994.

35.         Martha, L.F.; Gattass, M., “Uma Resumo das Transformações Geométricas para Visualização em 3D”, Caderno de Comunicações do VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, UFPR/SBC, Curitiba, PR, Nov. 1994, pp. 9-12, 1994.

36.         Martha, L.F.; Corseuil, E.T.; Figueiredo, V.S., “An Academical Graphics System for 2D Frame Structures”, Anais do 2º Simpósio Brasileiro de Estruturas de Aço, CEFET, Curitiba, PR, Out. 1994, pp. 110-114, 1994.

37.         Martha, L.F.; Carvalho, P.C.P.; Celes , W.; Ferraz, M., “Gerenciamento de Subdivisões do Plano Usando HED”, Caderno de Ferramentas do VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, PUC-Rio/SBC, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Out. 1993, pp. 51-52, 1993.

38.         Cavalcante Neto, J.B.; Carvalho, M.T.M.; Martha, L.F., “Combinação das Técnicas de Quadtree e Delaunay para Geração Automática de Malhas de Elementos Finitos”, Anais do VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, UFPE/SBC, Recife, PE, Out. 1993, pp. 285-291, 1993.

39.         Cavalcanti, P.R.; Carvalho, P.C.P.; Martha, L.F., “Representação de Objetos Heterogêneos Através de Decomposição do Espaço”, Anais do VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, UFPE/SBC, Recife, PE, Out. 1993, pp. 277-284, 1993.

40.         Cavalcanti, P.R.; Carvalho, P.C.P.; Martha, L.F., “Criação e Manutenção de Subdivisões Espaciais”, Anais do V Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, INPE/SBC, Águas de Lindóia, SP, Nov. 1992, pp. 105-113, 1992.

41.         Fontoura, S.A.B.; Martha, L.F.; Guimarães, L.G.S.; Vianna, A.C., “Análise de Estabilidade de Minas Subterrâneas em Ambiente de Estações Gráficas: Programa Undermine”, 5º Seminário Nacional: O Computador e a sua Aplicação no Setor Mineral, IBRAM, Belo Horizonte, Ago. 1992, pp. 93-106, 1992.

42.         Celes , W.; Martha, L.F.; Gattass, M., “An Efficient Data Structure for 3D Finite Element Post-Processing”, Anais do XI Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecânica, ABCM, São Paulo, Dez. 1991, vol. XIII, pp. 105-108, 1991.

43.         Campos, J.A.P.; Martha, L.F.; Gattass, M., “Estrutura de Dados Topológica para Geração de Malhas Bidimensionais de Elementos Finitos”, Anais do XI Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecânica, ABCM, São Paulo, Dez. 1991, vol. XIII, pp. 137-140, 1991.

44.         Cavalcanti, P.R., Carvalho, P.C.P.; Martha, L.F., “Criação e Manutenção de Subdivisões Planares”, Anais do IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, USP/SBC, São Paulo, SP, Jul. 1991, pp. 13-24, 1991.



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