
Displays a dialog in a given position on the screen.


int IupShowXY(Ihandle *ih, int x, int y); [in C]
iup.ShowXY(ih: ihandle[, x, y: number]) -> (ret: number) [in Lua]
or ih:showxy([x, y: number]) -> (ret: number) [in Lua]

ih: identifier of the dialog.
x: horizontal position of the top-left corner of the window, relative to the origin of the main screen. The following definitions can also be used:

y: vertical position of the top-left corner of the window, relative to the origin of the main screen. The following definitions can also be used:

Returns: IUP_NOERROR if successful. Returns IUP_INVALID if not a dialog.  If there was an error returns IUP_ERROR.


Will call IupMap for the element.

x and y positions are the same as returned by the SCREENPOSITION attribute.

IUP_MOUSEPOS position is the same as returned by the CURSORPOS global attribute.

See the PLACEMENT attribute for other position and show options.

When IUP_CENTERPARENT is used but PARENTDIALOG is not defined then it is replaced by IUP_CENTER.

When IUP_CURRENT is used at the first time the dialog is shown then it will be replaced by IUP_CENTERPARENT.

The main screen area does not include additional monitors.

When called for an already visible dialog (MODAL or not) it will update its position and PLACEMENT. If the already visible dialog is not modal but it was disabled by one (a call to IupPopup for another dialog after this one was shown) then it will be now enabled for interaction.

See Also

IupShow, IupHide, IupPopup, IupMap, IupDialog