Defines | Enumerations | Functions

String Utilities

Collaboration diagram for String Utilities:


#define iup_isdigit(_c)   (_c>='0' && _c<='9')
#define iup_toupper(_c)   ((_c >= 'a' && _c <= 'z')? (_c - 'a') + 'A': _c)
#define iup_tolower(_c)   ((_c >= 'A' && _c <= 'Z')? (_c - 'A') + 'a': _c)
#define IUP_FLOAT2STR   "%.9f"
#define IUP_DOUBLE2STR   "%.18f"




IUP_SDK_API int iupStrEqual (const char *str1, const char *str2)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrEqualNoCase (const char *str1, const char *str2)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrEqualNoCaseNoSpace (const char *str1, const char *str2)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrEqualPartial (const char *str1, const char *str2)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrEqualNoCasePartial (const char *str1, const char *str2)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrBoolean (const char *str)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrFalse (const char *str)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrLineCount (const char *str, int len)
IUP_SDK_API const char * iupStrNextLine (const char *str, int *len)
IUP_SDK_API const char * iupStrNextValue (const char *str, int str_len, int *len, char sep)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrCountChar (const char *str, char c)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrDup (const char *str)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrDupUntil (const char **str, char c)
IUP_SDK_API void iupStrCopyN (char *dst_str, int dst_max_size, const char *src_str)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrGetMemory (int size)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrGetLargeMem (int *size)
IUP_SDK_API void iupStrLower (char *dstr, const char *sstr)
IUP_SDK_API void iupStrUpper (char *dstr, const char *sstr)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrHasSpace (const char *str)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrIsAscii (const char *str)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrReturnStrf (const char *format,...)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrReturnStr (const char *str)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrReturnBoolean (int i)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrReturnChecked (int i)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrReturnInt (int i)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrReturnUInt (unsigned int i)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrReturnFloat (float f)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrReturnDouble (double d)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrReturnRGB (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrReturnRGBA (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrReturnStrStr (const char *str1, const char *str2, char sep)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrReturnIntInt (int i1, int i2, char sep)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrGetFormatPrecision (const char *format)
IUP_SDK_API void iupStrPrintfDoubleLocale (char *str, const char *format, double d, const char *decimal_symbol)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToRGB (const char *str, unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToRGBA (const char *str, unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b, unsigned char *a)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToInt (const char *str, int *i)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToUInt (const char *str, unsigned int *i)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToIntInt (const char *str, int *i1, int *i2, char sep)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToFloat (const char *str, float *f)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToDouble (const char *str, double *d)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToDoubleLocale (const char *str, double *d, const char *decimal_symbol)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToFloatFloat (const char *str, float *f1, float *f2, char sep)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToDoubleDouble (const char *str, double *f1, double *f2, char sep)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToStrStr (const char *str, char *str1, char *str2, char sep)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrFileGetExt (const char *filename)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrFileGetTitle (const char *filename)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrFileGetPath (const char *filename)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrFileMakeFileName (const char *path, const char *title)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrFileMakeURL (const char *filename)
IUP_SDK_API void iupStrFileNameSplit (const char *filename, char *path, char *title)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrTmpFileName (char *filename, const char *prefix)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrReplace (char *str, char src, char dst)
IUP_SDK_API void iupStrReplaceReserved (char *str, char c)
IUP_SDK_API void iupStrToUnix (char *str)
IUP_SDK_API void iupStrToMac (char *str)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrToDos (const char *str)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrConvertToC (const char *str)
IUP_SDK_API void iupStrRemove (char *value, int start, int end, int dir, int utf8)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrInsert (const char *value, const char *insert_value, int start, int end, int utf8)
IUP_SDK_API char * iupStrProcessMnemonic (const char *str, char *c, int action)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrFindMnemonic (const char *str)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrCompare (const char *str1, const char *str2, int casesensitive, int utf8)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrCompareEqual (const char *str1, const char *str2, int casesensitive, int utf8, int partial)
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrCompareFind (const char *str1, const char *str2, int casesensitive, int utf8)
IUP_SDK_API void iupStrChangeCase (char *dstr, const char *sstr, int case_flag, int utf8)

Detailed Description

See iup_str.h

Define Documentation

#define iup_isdigit (   _c  )     (_c>='0' && _c<='9')

Checks if the character is a digit.

#define iup_toupper (   _c  )     ((_c >= 'a' && _c <= 'z')? (_c - 'a') + 'A': _c)

Converts a character into upper case.
It will work only for character codes <128.

#define iup_tolower (   _c  )     ((_c >= 'A' && _c <= 'Z')? (_c - 'A') + 'a': _c)

Converts a character into lower case.
It will work only for character codes <128.

#define IUP_FLOAT2STR   "%.9f"

maximum float precision

#define IUP_DOUBLE2STR   "%.18f"

maximum double precision

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Case conversion available for iupStrChangeCase.

Function Documentation

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrEqual ( const char *  str1,
const char *  str2 

Returns a non zero value if the two strings are equal. str1 or str2 can be NULL.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrEqualNoCase ( const char *  str1,
const char *  str2 

Returns a non zero value if the two strings are equal but ignores case. str1 or str2 can be NULL. It will work only for character codes <128.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrEqualNoCaseNoSpace ( const char *  str1,
const char *  str2 

Returns a non zero value if the two strings are equal but ignores case and spaces.
str1 or str2 can be NULL.
It will work only for character codes <128.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrEqualPartial ( const char *  str1,
const char *  str2 

Returns a non zero value if the two strings are equal up to a number of characters defined by the strlen of the second string.
str1 or str2 can be NULL.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrEqualNoCasePartial ( const char *  str1,
const char *  str2 

Returns a non zero value if the two strings are equal but ignores case up to a number of characters defined by the strlen of the second string.
str1 or str2 can be NULL.
It will work only for character codes <128.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrBoolean ( const char *  str  ) 

Returns 1 if the string is "YES" or "ON".
Returns 0 otherwise (including NULL or empty).

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrFalse ( const char *  str  ) 

Returns 1 if the string is "NO" or "OFF".
Returns 0 otherwise (including NULL or empty).
To be used when value can be "False" or others different than "True".

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrLineCount ( const char *  str,
int  len 

Returns the number of lines in a string. It works for UNIX, DOS and MAC line ends.

IUP_SDK_API const char* iupStrNextLine ( const char *  str,
int *  len 

Returns a pointer to the next line and the size of the current line. It works for UNIX, DOS and MAC line ends. The size does not includes the line end. If str is NULL it will return NULL.

IUP_SDK_API const char* iupStrNextValue ( const char *  str,
int  str_len,
int *  len,
char  sep 

Returns a pointer to the next value and the size of the current value. The size does not includes the separator. If str is NULL it will return NULL.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrCountChar ( const char *  str,
char  c 

Returns the number of repetitions of the character occurs in the string.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrDup ( const char *  str  ) 

Returns a copy of the given string. If str is NULL it will return NULL. Must free the returned string.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrDupUntil ( const char **  str,
char  c 

Returns a new string containing a copy of the string up to the character. The string is then incremented to after the position of the character. Must free the returned string.

IUP_SDK_API void iupStrCopyN ( char *  dst_str,
int  dst_max_size,
const char *  src_str 

Copy the string to the buffer, but limited to the max_size of the buffer. buffer is always properly ended.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrGetMemory ( int  size  ) 

Returns a buffer with the specified size+1.
The buffer is resused after 50 calls. It must NOT be freed. Use size=-1 to free all the internal buffers.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrGetLargeMem ( int *  size  ) 

Returns a very large buffer to be used in unknown size string construction. Use snprintf or vsnprintf with the given size.

IUP_SDK_API void iupStrLower ( char *  dstr,
const char *  sstr 

Converts a string into lower case. Can be used in-place.
It will work only for character codes <128.

IUP_SDK_API void iupStrUpper ( char *  dstr,
const char *  sstr 

Converts a string into upper case. Can be used in-place.
It will work only for character codes <128.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrHasSpace ( const char *  str  ) 

Checks if the string has at least 1 space character.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrIsAscii ( const char *  str  ) 

Checks if the string has only ASCII codes.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrReturnStrf ( const char *  format,

Returns combined values in a formatted string using iupStrGetMemory. This is not supposed to be used for very large strings, just for combinations of numeric data or constant strings.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrReturnStr ( const char *  str  ) 

Returns a string value in a string using iupStrGetMemory.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrReturnBoolean ( int  i  ) 

Returns a boolean value (as YES or NO) in a string.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrReturnChecked ( int  i  ) 

Returns a checked value (as ON, OFF or NOTDEF (-1)) in a string.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrReturnInt ( int  i  ) 

Returns an int value in a string using iupStrGetMemory.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrReturnUInt ( unsigned int  i  ) 

Returns an unsigned int value in a string using iupStrGetMemory.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrReturnFloat ( float  f  ) 

Returns a float value in a string using iupStrGetMemory.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrReturnDouble ( double  d  ) 

Returns a double value in a string using iupStrGetMemory.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrReturnRGB ( unsigned char  r,
unsigned char  g,
unsigned char  b 

Returns a RGB value in a string using iupStrGetMemory.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrReturnRGBA ( unsigned char  r,
unsigned char  g,
unsigned char  b,
unsigned char  a 

Returns a RGBA value in a string using iupStrGetMemory.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrReturnStrStr ( const char *  str1,
const char *  str2,
char  sep 

Returns two string values in a string using iupStrGetMemory.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrReturnIntInt ( int  i1,
int  i2,
char  sep 

Returns two int values in a string using iupStrGetMemory.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrGetFormatPrecision ( const char *  format  ) 

Returns the number of decimals in a format string for floating point output.

IUP_SDK_API void iupStrPrintfDoubleLocale ( char *  str,
const char *  format,
double  d,
const char *  decimal_symbol 

Prints a double in a string using the given decimal symbol.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToRGB ( const char *  str,
unsigned char *  r,
unsigned char *  g,
unsigned char *  b 

Extract RGB components from the string. Returns 0 or 1.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToRGBA ( const char *  str,
unsigned char *  r,
unsigned char *  g,
unsigned char *  b,
unsigned char *  a 

Extract RGBA components from the string. Returns 0 or 1.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToInt ( const char *  str,
int *  i 

Converts the string to an int. The string must contains only the integer value. Returns a a non zero value if successful.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToUInt ( const char *  str,
unsigned int *  i 

Converts the string to an unsigned int. The string must contains only the integer value. Returns a a non zero value if successful.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToIntInt ( const char *  str,
int *  i1,
int *  i2,
char  sep 

Converts the string to two int. The string must contains two integer values in sequence, separated by the given character (usually 'x' or ':'). Returns the number of converted values. Values not extracted are not changed.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToFloat ( const char *  str,
float *  f 

Converts the string to a float. The string must contains only the real value. Returns a a non zero value if successful.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToDouble ( const char *  str,
double *  d 

Converts the string to a double. The string must contains only the real value. Returns a a non zero value if successful.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToDoubleLocale ( const char *  str,
double *  d,
const char *  decimal_symbol 

Converts the string to a double using the given decimal symbol. The string must contains only the real value. Returns a a non zero value if successful. Returns 2 if a locale was set.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToFloatFloat ( const char *  str,
float *  f1,
float *  f2,
char  sep 

Converts the string to two float. The string must contains two real values in sequence, separated by the given character (usually 'x' or ':'). Returns the number of converted values. Values not extracted are not changed. ATENTION: AVOID DEFINING THIS TYPE OF ATTRIBUTE VALUE.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToDoubleDouble ( const char *  str,
double *  f1,
double *  f2,
char  sep 

Converts the string to two double. The string must contains two real values in sequence, separated by the given character (usually 'x' or ':'). Returns the number of converted values. Values not extracted are not changed. ATENTION: AVOID DEFINING THIS TYPE OF ATTRIBUTE VALUE.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrToStrStr ( const char *  str,
char *  str1,
char *  str2,
char  sep 

Extract two strings from the string. separated by the given character (usually 'x' or ':'). Returns the number of converted values. Values not extracted are set to empty strings.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrFileGetExt ( const char *  filename  ) 

Returns the file extension of a file name. Supports UNIX and Windows directory separators. Must free the returned string.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrFileGetTitle ( const char *  filename  ) 

Returns the file title of a file name. Supports UNIX and Windows directory separators. Must free the returned string.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrFileGetPath ( const char *  filename  ) 

Returns the file path of a file name. Supports UNIX and Windows directory separators. The returned value includes the last separator. Must free the returned string.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrFileMakeFileName ( const char *  path,
const char *  title 

Concat path and title addind '/' between if path does not have it. Must free the returned string.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrFileMakeURL ( const char *  filename  ) 

Creates an URL for the filename by adding "file://" at start and replacing any '\' by '/'. Must free the returned string.

IUP_SDK_API void iupStrFileNameSplit ( const char *  filename,
char *  path,
char *  title 

Split the filename in path and title using pre-allocated strings.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrTmpFileName ( char *  filename,
const char *  prefix 

Returns a filename for a temporary file. A file with the result name is created and must be removed after use.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrReplace ( char *  str,
char  src,
char  dst 

Replace a character in a string. Returns the number of occurrences.

IUP_SDK_API void iupStrReplaceReserved ( char *  str,
char  c 

Replace reserved characters in a string.

IUP_SDK_API void iupStrToUnix ( char *  str  ) 

Convert line ends to UNIX format in-place (one
per line).

IUP_SDK_API void iupStrToMac ( char *  str  ) 

Convert line ends to MAC format in-place (one per line).

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrToDos ( const char *  str  ) 

Convert line ends to DOS/Windows format (the sequence
per line). If returned pointer different the input, it must be freed.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrConvertToC ( const char *  str  ) 

Convert string to C format. Process \,
, and . If returned pointer different the input, it must be freed.

IUP_SDK_API void iupStrRemove ( char *  value,
int  start,
int  end,
int  dir,
int  utf8 

Remove the interval from the string. Done in-place.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrInsert ( const char *  value,
const char *  insert_value,
int  start,
int  end,
int  utf8 

Remove the interval from the string and insert the new string at the start. If returned pointer different the input, it must be freed.

IUP_SDK_API char* iupStrProcessMnemonic ( const char *  str,
char *  c,
int  action 

Process the mnemonic in the string. If not found returns str. If returned pointer different the input, it must be freed. If found returns a new string. Action can be:

  • 1: replace & by c
  • -1: remove & and return in c
  • 0: remove &
IUP_SDK_API int iupStrFindMnemonic ( const char *  str  ) 

Returns the Mnemonic if found. Zero otherwise.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrCompare ( const char *  str1,
const char *  str2,
int  casesensitive,
int  utf8 

Compare two strings using strcmp semantics, but using the "Alphanum Algorithm" (A1 A2 A11 A30 ...).
This means that numbers and text are sorted separately.
Also natural alphabetic order is used: 123...aAáÁ...bBcC...
Sorting and case insensitive will work only for Latin-1 characters, even when using utf8=1.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrCompareEqual ( const char *  str1,
const char *  str2,
int  casesensitive,
int  utf8,
int  partial 

Returns a non zero value if the two strings are equal.
If partial=1 the compare up to a number of characters defined by the strlen of the second string.
Case insensitive will work only for Latin-1 characters, even when using utf8=1.

IUP_SDK_API int iupStrCompareFind ( const char *  str1,
const char *  str2,
int  casesensitive,
int  utf8 

Returns a non zero value if the second string is found inside the first string.
Uses iupStrCompareEqual.

IUP_SDK_API void iupStrChangeCase ( char *  dstr,
const char *  sstr,
int  case_flag,
int  utf8 

Converts a string into upper case. Can be used in-place.
It will work only for Latin-1 characters, even when using utf8=1.