Typedefs | Functions

im_attrib_flat.h File Reference

Attributes Table Flat API. This will simplify the DLL export, and can be used for C aplications. More...

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typedef int(* imAttribTableCallback )(void *user_data, int index, const char *name, int data_type, int count, const void *data)


imAttribTablePrivate * imAttribTableCreate (int hash_size)
void imAttribTableDestroy (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable)
int imAttribTableCount (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable)
void imAttribTableRemoveAll (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable)
const void * imAttribTableGet (const imAttribTablePrivate *ptable, const char *name, int *data_type, int *count)
int imAttribTableGetInteger (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable, const char *name, int index)
double imAttribTableGetReal (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable, const char *name, int index)
const char * imAttribTableGetString (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable, const char *name)
void imAttribTableSet (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable, const char *name, int data_type, int count, const void *data)
void imAttribTableSetInteger (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable, const char *name, int data_type, int value)
void imAttribTableSetReal (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable, const char *name, int data_type, double value)
void imAttribTableSetString (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable, const char *name, const char *value)
void imAttribTableUnSet (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable, const char *name)
void imAttribTableCopyFrom (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable_dst, const imAttribTablePrivate *ptable_src)
void imAttribTableMergeFrom (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable_dst, const imAttribTablePrivate *ptable_src)
void imAttribTableForEach (const imAttribTablePrivate *ptable, void *user_data, imAttribTableCallback attrib_func)
imAttribTablePrivate * imAttribArrayCreate (int hash_size)
const void * imAttribArrayGet (const imAttribTablePrivate *ptable, int index, char *name, int *data_type, int *count)
void imAttribArraySet (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable, int index, const char *name, int data_type, int count, const void *data)
void imAttribArrayCopyFrom (imAttribTablePrivate *ptable_dst, const imAttribTablePrivate *ptable_src)

Detailed Description

See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(* imAttribTableCallback)(void *user_data, int index, const char *name, int data_type, int count, const void *data)

Definition of the callback used in ForEach function.