#include #include #include #include #include /********************************** Utilities *****************************************/ int str_compare(const char *l, const char *r, int casesensitive) { if (!l || !r) return 0; while (*l && *r) { int diff; char l_char = *l, r_char = *r; /* compute the difference of both characters */ if (casesensitive) diff = l_char - r_char; else diff = tolower((int)l_char) - tolower((int)r_char); /* if they differ we have a result */ if (diff != 0) return 0; /* otherwise process the next characters */ ++l; ++r; } /* check also for terminator */ if (*l == *r) return 1; if (*r == 0) return 1; /* if second string is at terminator, then it is partially equal */ return 0; } int str_find(const char *str, const char *str_to_find, int casesensitive) { int i, str_len, str_to_find_len, count; if (!str || str[0] == 0 || !str_to_find || str_to_find[0] == 0) return -1; str_len = (int)strlen(str); str_to_find_len = (int)strlen(str_to_find); count = str_len - str_to_find_len; if (count < 0) return -1; count++; for (i = 0; i= line_count) { IupMessage("Error", "Invalid line number."); return IUP_DEFAULT; } IupSetAttribute(IupGetDialog(bt_ok), "STATUS", "1"); return IUP_CLOSE; } int goto_cancel_action_cb(Ihandle* bt_ok) { IupSetAttribute(IupGetDialog(bt_ok), "STATUS", "0"); return IUP_CLOSE; } int item_goto_action_cb(Ihandle* item_goto) { Ihandle* multitext = IupGetDialogChild(item_goto, "MULTITEXT"); Ihandle *dlg, *box, *bt_ok, *bt_cancel, *txt, *lbl; int line_count = IupGetInt(multitext, "LINECOUNT"); lbl = IupLabel(NULL); IupSetfAttribute(lbl, "TITLE", "Line Number [1-%d]:", line_count); txt = IupText(NULL); IupSetAttribute(txt, "MASK", IUP_MASK_UINT); /* unsigned integer numbers only */ IupSetAttribute(txt, "NAME", "LINE_TEXT"); IupSetAttribute(txt, "VISIBLECOLUMNS", "20"); bt_ok = IupButton("OK", NULL); IupSetInt(bt_ok, "TEXT_LINECOUNT", line_count); IupSetAttribute(bt_ok, "PADDING", "10x2"); IupSetCallback(bt_ok, "ACTION", (Icallback)goto_ok_action_cb); bt_cancel = IupButton("Cancel", NULL); IupSetCallback(bt_cancel, "ACTION", (Icallback)goto_cancel_action_cb); IupSetAttribute(bt_cancel, "PADDING", "10x2"); box = IupVbox( lbl, txt, IupSetAttributes(IupHbox( IupFill(), bt_ok, bt_cancel, NULL), "NORMALIZESIZE=HORIZONTAL"), NULL); IupSetAttribute(box, "MARGIN", "10x10"); IupSetAttribute(box, "GAP", "5"); dlg = IupDialog(box); IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Go To Line"); IupSetAttribute(dlg, "DIALOGFRAME", "Yes"); IupSetAttributeHandle(dlg, "DEFAULTENTER", bt_ok); IupSetAttributeHandle(dlg, "DEFAULTESC", bt_cancel); IupSetAttributeHandle(dlg, "PARENTDIALOG", IupGetDialog(item_goto)); IupPopup(dlg, IUP_CENTERPARENT, IUP_CENTERPARENT); if (IupGetInt(dlg, "STATUS") == 1) { int line = IupGetInt(txt, "VALUE"); int pos; IupTextConvertLinColToPos(multitext, line, 0, &pos); IupSetInt(multitext, "CARETPOS", pos); IupSetInt(multitext, "SCROLLTOPOS", pos); } IupDestroy(dlg); return IUP_DEFAULT; } int find_next_action_cb(Ihandle* bt_next) { Ihandle* multitext = (Ihandle*)IupGetAttribute(bt_next, "MULTITEXT"); char* str = IupGetAttribute(multitext, "VALUE"); int find_pos = IupGetInt(multitext, "FIND_POS"); Ihandle* txt = IupGetDialogChild(bt_next, "FIND_TEXT"); char* str_to_find = IupGetAttribute(txt, "VALUE"); Ihandle* find_case = IupGetDialogChild(bt_next, "FIND_CASE"); int casesensitive = IupGetInt(find_case, "VALUE"); int pos = str_find(str + find_pos, str_to_find, casesensitive); if (pos >= 0) pos += find_pos; else if (find_pos > 0) pos = str_find(str, str_to_find, casesensitive); /* try again from the start */ if (pos >= 0) { int lin, col, end_pos = pos + (int)strlen(str_to_find); IupSetInt(multitext, "FIND_POS", end_pos); IupSetFocus(multitext); IupSetfAttribute(multitext, "SELECTIONPOS", "%d:%d", pos, end_pos); IupTextConvertPosToLinCol(multitext, pos, &lin, &col); IupTextConvertLinColToPos(multitext, lin, 0, &pos); /* position at col=0, just scroll lines */ IupSetInt(multitext, "SCROLLTOPOS", pos); } else IupMessage("Warning", "Text not found."); return IUP_DEFAULT; } int find_close_action_cb(Ihandle* bt_close) { IupHide(IupGetDialog(bt_close)); return IUP_DEFAULT; } int item_find_action_cb(Ihandle* item_find) { Ihandle* dlg = (Ihandle*)IupGetAttribute(item_find, "FIND_DIALOG"); if (!dlg) { Ihandle* multitext = IupGetDialogChild(item_find, "MULTITEXT"); Ihandle *box, *bt_next, *bt_close, *txt, *find_case; txt = IupText(NULL); IupSetAttribute(txt, "NAME", "FIND_TEXT"); IupSetAttribute(txt, "VISIBLECOLUMNS", "20"); find_case = IupToggle("Case Sensitive", NULL); IupSetAttribute(find_case, "NAME", "FIND_CASE"); bt_next = IupButton("Find Next", NULL); IupSetAttribute(bt_next, "PADDING", "10x2"); IupSetCallback(bt_next, "ACTION", (Icallback)find_next_action_cb); bt_close = IupButton("Close", NULL); IupSetCallback(bt_close, "ACTION", (Icallback)find_close_action_cb); IupSetAttribute(bt_close, "PADDING", "10x2"); box = IupVbox( IupLabel("Find What:"), txt, find_case, IupSetAttributes(IupHbox( IupFill(), bt_next, bt_close, NULL), "NORMALIZESIZE=HORIZONTAL"), NULL); IupSetAttribute(box, "MARGIN", "10x10"); IupSetAttribute(box, "GAP", "5"); dlg = IupDialog(box); IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Find"); IupSetAttribute(dlg, "DIALOGFRAME", "Yes"); IupSetAttributeHandle(dlg, "DEFAULTENTER", bt_next); IupSetAttributeHandle(dlg, "DEFAULTESC", bt_close); IupSetAttributeHandle(dlg, "PARENTDIALOG", IupGetDialog(item_find)); /* Save the multiline to acess it from the callbacks */ IupSetAttribute(dlg, "MULTITEXT", (char*)multitext); /* Save the dialog to reuse it */ IupSetAttribute(item_find, "FIND_DIALOG", (char*)dlg); } /* centerparent first time, next time reuse the last position */ IupShowXY(dlg, IUP_CURRENT, IUP_CURRENT); return IUP_DEFAULT; } int item_font_action_cb(Ihandle* item_font) { Ihandle* multitext = IupGetDialogChild(item_font, "MULTITEXT"); Ihandle* fontdlg = IupFontDlg(); char* font = IupGetAttribute(multitext, "FONT"); IupSetStrAttribute(fontdlg, "VALUE", font); IupSetAttributeHandle(fontdlg, "PARENTDIALOG", IupGetDialog(item_font)); IupPopup(fontdlg, IUP_CENTERPARENT, IUP_CENTERPARENT); if (IupGetInt(fontdlg, "STATUS") == 1) { font = IupGetAttribute(fontdlg, "VALUE"); IupSetStrAttribute(multitext, "FONT", font); } IupDestroy(fontdlg); return IUP_DEFAULT; } int item_about_action_cb(void) { IupMessage("About", " Simple Notepad\n\nAuthors:\n Gustavo Lyrio\n Antonio Scuri"); return IUP_DEFAULT; } /********************************** Main *****************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { Ihandle *dlg, *vbox, *multitext, *menu; Ihandle *sub_menu_file, *file_menu, *item_exit, *item_open, *item_saveas, *btn_open, *btn_save; Ihandle *sub_menu_edit, *edit_menu, *item_find, *item_goto, *btn_find; Ihandle *sub_menu_format, *format_menu, *item_font; Ihandle *sub_menu_help, *help_menu, *item_about; Ihandle *lbl_statusbar, *toolbar_hb; IupOpen(&argc, &argv); IupImageLibOpen(); multitext = IupText(NULL); IupSetAttribute(multitext, "MULTILINE", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(multitext, "EXPAND", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(multitext, "NAME", "MULTITEXT"); lbl_statusbar = IupLabel("Lin 1, Col 1"); IupSetAttribute(lbl_statusbar, "NAME", "STATUSBAR"); IupSetAttribute(lbl_statusbar, "EXPAND", "HORIZONTAL"); IupSetAttribute(lbl_statusbar, "PADDING", "10x5"); item_open = IupItem("&Open...\tCtrl+O", NULL); btn_open = IupButton(NULL, NULL); IupSetAttribute(btn_open, "IMAGE", "IUP_FileOpen"); IupSetAttribute(btn_open, "FLAT", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(btn_open, "TIP", "Open (Ctrl+O)"); IupSetAttribute(btn_open, "CANFOCUS", "No"); item_saveas = IupItem("Save &As...\tCtrl+S", NULL); btn_save = IupButton(NULL, NULL); IupSetAttribute(btn_save, "IMAGE", "IUP_FileSave"); IupSetAttribute(btn_save, "FLAT", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(btn_save, "TIP", "Save (Ctrl+S)"); IupSetAttribute(btn_save, "CANFOCUS", "No"); item_exit = IupItem("E&xit", NULL); item_find = IupItem("&Find...\tCtrl+F", NULL); btn_find = IupButton(NULL, NULL); IupSetAttribute(btn_find, "IMAGE", "IUP_EditFind"); IupSetAttribute(btn_find, "FLAT", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(btn_find, "TIP", "Find (Ctrl+F)"); IupSetAttribute(btn_find, "CANFOCUS", "No"); toolbar_hb = IupHbox( btn_open, btn_save, IupSetAttributes(IupLabel(NULL), "SEPARATOR=VERTICAL"), btn_find, NULL); IupSetAttribute(toolbar_hb, "MARGIN", "5x5"); IupSetAttribute(toolbar_hb, "GAP", "2"); item_goto = IupItem("&Go To...\tCtrl+G", NULL); item_font = IupItem("&Font...", NULL); item_about = IupItem("&About...", NULL); IupSetCallback(item_open, "ACTION", (Icallback)item_open_action_cb); IupSetCallback(btn_open, "ACTION", (Icallback)item_open_action_cb); IupSetCallback(item_saveas, "ACTION", (Icallback)item_saveas_action_cb); IupSetCallback(btn_save, "ACTION", (Icallback)item_saveas_action_cb); IupSetCallback(item_exit, "ACTION", (Icallback)item_exit_action_cb); IupSetCallback(item_find, "ACTION", (Icallback)item_find_action_cb); IupSetCallback(btn_find, "ACTION", (Icallback)item_find_action_cb); IupSetCallback(item_goto, "ACTION", (Icallback)item_goto_action_cb); IupSetCallback(item_font, "ACTION", (Icallback)item_font_action_cb); IupSetCallback(item_about, "ACTION", (Icallback)item_about_action_cb); IupSetCallback(multitext, "CARET_CB", (Icallback)multitext_caret_cb); file_menu = IupMenu( item_open, item_saveas, IupSeparator(), item_exit, NULL); edit_menu = IupMenu( item_find, item_goto, NULL); format_menu = IupMenu( item_font, NULL); help_menu = IupMenu( item_about, NULL); sub_menu_file = IupSubmenu("&File", file_menu); sub_menu_edit = IupSubmenu("&Edit", edit_menu); sub_menu_format = IupSubmenu("F&ormat", format_menu); sub_menu_help = IupSubmenu("&Help", help_menu); menu = IupMenu( sub_menu_file, sub_menu_edit, sub_menu_format, sub_menu_help, NULL); vbox = IupVbox( toolbar_hb, multitext, lbl_statusbar, NULL); dlg = IupDialog(vbox); IupSetAttributeHandle(dlg, "MENU", menu); IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Simple Notepad"); IupSetAttribute(dlg, "SIZE", "HALFxHALF"); /* parent for pre-defined dialogs in closed functions (IupMessage) */ IupSetAttributeHandle(NULL, "PARENTDIALOG", dlg); IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_cO", (Icallback)item_open_action_cb); IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_cS", (Icallback)item_saveas_action_cb); IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_cF", (Icallback)item_find_action_cb); IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_cG", (Icallback)item_goto_action_cb); IupShowXY(dlg, IUP_CENTERPARENT, IUP_CENTERPARENT); IupSetAttribute(dlg, "USERSIZE", NULL); IupMainLoop(); IupClose(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }