/* MathGL samples w/ IupMglPlot Based on MathGL documentation */ #include #include #include #include //#define USE_IM 1 #ifdef USE_IM #include #include #include #include #endif #include #ifdef USE_IM #include #endif #include #include static Ihandle *plot, /* plot */ *minmaxY_dial, *minmaxX_dial, /* dials for zooming */ *autoscaleY_tgg, *autoscaleX_tgg, /* auto scale on|off toggles */ *grid_tgg, /* grid show|hide toggles */ *legend_tgg, /* legend show|hide toggle */ *box_tgg, /* box show|hide toggle */ *aa_tgg, /* antialias enable|disable toggle */ *transp_tgg, /* transparent enable|disable toggle */ *light_tgg, /* light enable|disable toggle */ *opengl_tgg; /* opengl enable|disable toggle */ static char filenameSVG[300], filenameEPS[300], filenamePNG[300]; static void ResetClear(void) { IupSetAttribute(plot, "RESET", NULL); IupSetAttribute(plot, "CLEAR", NULL); // Some defaults in MathGL are different in IupMglPlot IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_X", "NO"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_Y", "NO"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_Z", "NO"); // IupSetAttribute(plot, "FONT", "Heros, 12"); // IupSetAttribute(plot, "FONT", "Termes, 12"); IupSetCallback(plot, "POSTDRAW_CB", NULL); } static void UpdateFlags(void) { char *value; /* auto scaling Y axis */ if (IupGetInt(plot, "AXS_YAUTOMIN") && IupGetInt(plot, "AXS_YAUTOMAX")) { IupSetAttribute(autoscaleY_tgg, "VALUE", "ON"); IupSetAttribute(minmaxY_dial, "ACTIVE", "NO"); } else { IupSetAttribute(autoscaleY_tgg, "VALUE", "OFF"); IupSetAttribute(minmaxY_dial, "ACTIVE", "YES"); } /* auto scaling X axis */ if (IupGetInt(plot, "AXS_XAUTOMIN") && IupGetInt(plot, "AXS_XAUTOMAX")) { IupSetAttribute(autoscaleX_tgg, "VALUE", "ON"); IupSetAttribute(minmaxX_dial, "ACTIVE", "NO"); } else { IupSetAttribute(autoscaleX_tgg, "VALUE", "OFF"); IupSetAttribute(minmaxX_dial, "ACTIVE", "YES"); } /* grid */ value = IupGetAttribute(plot, "GRID"); if (value && strstr(value, "XYZ")) IupSetAttribute(grid_tgg, "VALUE", "ON"); else IupSetAttribute(grid_tgg, "VALUE", "OFF"); /* legend */ if (IupGetInt(plot, "LEGEND")) IupSetAttribute(legend_tgg, "VALUE", "ON"); else IupSetAttribute(legend_tgg, "VALUE", "OFF"); /* box */ if (IupGetInt(plot, "BOX")) IupSetAttribute(box_tgg, "VALUE", "ON"); else IupSetAttribute(box_tgg, "VALUE", "OFF"); /* antialias */ if (IupGetInt(plot, "ANTIALIAS")) IupSetAttribute(aa_tgg, "VALUE", "ON"); else IupSetAttribute(aa_tgg, "VALUE", "OFF"); /* transparent */ if (IupGetInt(plot, "TRANSPARENT")) IupSetAttribute(transp_tgg, "VALUE", "ON"); else IupSetAttribute(transp_tgg, "VALUE", "OFF"); /* light */ if (IupGetInt(plot, "LIGHT")) IupSetAttribute(light_tgg, "VALUE", "ON"); else IupSetAttribute(light_tgg, "VALUE", "OFF"); /* opengl */ if (IupGetInt(plot, "OPENGL")) IupSetAttribute(opengl_tgg, "VALUE", "ON"); else IupSetAttribute(opengl_tgg, "VALUE", "OFF"); } static void SampleVolume(const char* ds_mode) { int ds = IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, ds, "-2*((2*x-1)^2 + (2*y-1)^2 + (2*z-1)^4 - (2*z-1)^2 - 0.1)", 60, 50, 40); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", ds_mode); IupSetAttribute(plot, "ROTATE", "40:0:60"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "LIGHT", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "TRANSPARENT", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static void SampleDensityProjectVolume(void) { SampleVolume("VOLUME_DENSITY"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "PROJECT", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "PROJECTVALUEX", "-1"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "PROJECTVALUEY", "1"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "PROJECTVALUEZ", "-1"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "TRANSPARENT", "NO"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "LIGHT", "NO"); } static void SampleContourProjectVolume(void) { SampleVolume("VOLUME_CONTOUR"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "PROJECT", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "PROJECTVALUEX", "-1"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "PROJECTVALUEY", "1"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "PROJECTVALUEZ", "-1"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "TRANSPARENT", "NO"); // IupSetAttribute(plot, "LIGHT", "NO"); } static void SampleContourFilledProjectVolume(void) { SampleVolume("VOLUME_CONTOUR"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "PROJECT", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "PROJECTVALUEX", "-1"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "PROJECTVALUEY", "1"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "PROJECTVALUEZ", "-1"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "CONTOURFILLED", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "TRANSPARENT", "NO"); // IupSetAttribute(plot, "LIGHT", "NO"); } static void SampleContourFilledVolume(void) { SampleVolume("VOLUME_CONTOUR"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "CONTOURFILLED", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "TRANSPARENT", "NO"); } static void SampleContourVolume(void) { SampleVolume("VOLUME_CONTOUR"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "TRANSPARENT", "NO"); // IupSetAttribute(plot, "LIGHT", "NO"); } static void SampleDensityVolume(void) { SampleVolume("VOLUME_DENSITY"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_XORIGIN", "0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_YORIGIN", "0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_ZORIGIN", "0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_X", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_Y", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_Z", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "LIGHT", "NO"); } static void SampleCloudVolume(void) { SampleVolume("VOLUME_CLOUD"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "COLORSCHEME", "wyrRk"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "LIGHT", "NO"); } static void SampleIsoSurfaceVolume(void) { SampleVolume("VOLUME_ISOSURFACE"); } #if 0 void mgls_prepare2d(mglData *a, mglData *b = 0, mglData *v = 0) { register long i, j, n = 50, m = 40, i0; if (a) a->Create(n, m); if (b) b->Create(n, m); if (v) { v->Create(9); v->Fill(-1, 1); } mreal x, y; for (i = 0; ia[i0] = 0.6*sin(2 * M_PI*x)*sin(3 * M_PI*y) + 0.4*cos(3 * M_PI*x*y); if (b) b->a[i0] = 0.6*cos(2 * M_PI*x)*cos(3 * M_PI*y) + 0.4*cos(3 * M_PI*x*y); } } #endif #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif static void SamplePlanarCreateData(int ds) { register long i, j, n = 50, m = 40, i0; double x, y; double* data = malloc(sizeof(double) * n * m); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { x = i / (n - 1.); y = j / (m - 1.); i0 = i + n*j; data[i0] = 0.6*sin(2 * M_PI*x)*sin(3 * M_PI*y) + 0.4*cos(3 * M_PI*x*y); } } IupMglPlotSetData(plot, ds, data, n, m, 1); free(data); } static void SamplePlanar(const char* ds_mode) { int ds = IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); //IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, ds, "0.6*sin(2*pi*x)*sin(3*pi*y) + 0.4*cos(3*pi*(x*y))", 50, 40, 1); SamplePlanarCreateData(ds); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", ds_mode); IupSetAttribute(plot, "ROTATE", "40:0:60"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "LIGHT", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static void SampleGradientLinesPlanar(void) { SamplePlanar("PLANAR_GRADIENTLINES"); SamplePlanar("PLANAR_DENSITY"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "TRANSPARENT", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "ROTATE", NULL); } static void SampleAxialContourPlanar(void) { SamplePlanar("PLANAR_AXIALCONTOUR"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "TRANSPARENT", "YES"); } static void SampleContourFilledPlanar(void) { SamplePlanar("PLANAR_CONTOUR"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "CONTOURFILLED", "Yes"); } static void SampleContourPlanar(void) { SamplePlanar("PLANAR_CONTOUR"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "CONTOURLABELS", "BELLOW"); } static void SampleDensityPlanar(void) { SamplePlanar("PLANAR_DENSITY"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "COLORBAR", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "ROTATE", NULL); } static void SampleBoxesPlanar(void) { SamplePlanar("PLANAR_BOXES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_XORIGIN", "0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_YORIGIN", "0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_ZORIGIN", "0"); } static void SampleTilePlanar(void) { SamplePlanar("PLANAR_TILE"); } static void SampleBeltPlanar(void) { SamplePlanar("PLANAR_BELT"); } static void SampleFallPlanar(void) { SamplePlanar("PLANAR_FALL"); } static void SampleMeshPlanar(void) { SamplePlanar("PLANAR_MESH"); } static void SampleSurfaceColorsPlanar(void) { SamplePlanar("PLANAR_SURFACE"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "COLORSCHEME", "BbcyrR|"); } static void SampleSurfacePlanar(void) { SamplePlanar("PLANAR_SURFACE"); } static void SampleSurfaceContourPlanar(void) { SamplePlanar("PLANAR_SURFACE"); SamplePlanar("PLANAR_CONTOUR"); } static void SampleDotsLinear3D(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotLoadData(plot, 0, "../test/hotdogs.pts", 0, 0, 0); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "DOTS"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_REARRANGE", NULL); IupSetAttribute(plot, "ROTATE", "40:0:60"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "LIGHT", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static void SampleCrustLinear3D(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotLoadData(plot, 0, "../test/hotdogs.pts", 0, 0, 0); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "CRUST"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_REARRANGE", NULL); IupSetAttribute(plot, "ROTATE", "40:0:60"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "LIGHT", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static void SamplePieLinear1D(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 0, "rnd+0.1", 7, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "CHART"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "COLORSCHEME", "bgr cmy"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "PIECHART", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DATAGRID", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static void SampleChartLinear1D(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 0, "rnd+0.1", 7, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "CHART"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DATAGRID", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static void SampleStemLinear1D(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 0, "0.7*sin(2*pi*x) + 0.5*cos(3*pi*x) + 0.2*sin(pi*x)", 50, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "STEM"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MARKSTYLE", "HOLLOW_CIRCLE"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_SHOWMARKS", "Yes"); IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 1, "sin(2*pi*x)", 50, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "STEM"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MARKSTYLE", "HOLLOW_CIRCLE"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_SHOWMARKS", "Yes"); IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 2, "cos(2*pi*x)", 50, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "STEM"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MARKSTYLE", "HOLLOW_CIRCLE"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_SHOWMARKS", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_XORIGIN", "0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_YORIGIN", "0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static void SampleStepLinear1D(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 0, "0.7*sin(2*pi*x) + 0.5*cos(3*pi*x) + 0.2*sin(pi*x)", 50, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "STEP"); IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 1, "sin(2*pi*x)", 50, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "STEP"); IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 2, "cos(2*pi*x)", 50, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "STEP"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static void SampleBarhLinear1D(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 0, "0.8*sin(pi*(2*x+y/2))+0.2*rnd", 10, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "BARHORIZONTAL"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_XORIGIN", "0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_YORIGIN", "0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static void SampleBarsLinear3D(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 3); IupMglPlotSetFormula(plot, 0, "cos(pi*2*x-pi)", "sin(pi*(2*x-1))", "2*x-1", 50); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "BAR"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_LINESTYLE", "SMALLDASH_DOT"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "ROTATE", "40:0:60"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static void SampleBarsLinear1D(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 0, "0.8*sin(pi*(2*x+y/2))+0.2*rnd", 10, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "BAR"); //TODO: allow combination of several datasets into one bar plot //TODO: allow bars "above" sample IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_XORIGIN", "0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_YORIGIN", "0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static void SampleAreaLinear1D(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 0, "0.7*sin(2*pi*x) + 0.5*cos(3*pi*x) + 0.2*sin(pi*x)", 50, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "AREA"); IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 1, "sin(2*pi*x)", 50, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "AREA"); IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 2, "cos(2*pi*x)", 50, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "AREA"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_XORIGIN", "0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_YORIGIN", "0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static void SampleRadarLinear1D(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 0, "0.4*sin(pi*(2*x+y/2))+0.1*rnd", 10, 3, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "RADAR"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_SPLIT", NULL); IupSetAttribute(plot, "CURRENT", "1"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "RADAR"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "CURRENT", "2"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "RADAR"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "RADARSHIFT", "0.4"); // So all datasets will use the same radarshift IupSetAttribute(plot, "DATAGRID", "Yes"); } static void SamplePlotLinear3D(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 3); IupMglPlotSetFormula(plot, 0, "cos(pi*2*x-pi)", "sin(pi*(2*x-1))", "2*x-1", 50); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "MARKLINE"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MARKSTYLE", "BOX"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "ROTATE", "40:0:60"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static void SamplePlotLinear1D(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 0, "0.7*sin(2*pi*x)+0.5*cos(3*pi*x)+0.2*sin(pi*x)", 50, 1, 1); IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 1, "sin(2*pi*x)", 50, 1, 1); IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 2, "cos(2*pi*x)", 50, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static int text_postdraw_cb(Ihandle* ih) { IupMglPlotDrawText(ih, "It can be \\wire{wire}, \\big{big} or #r{colored}", 0, 1.0, 0); IupMglPlotDrawText(ih, "One can change style in string: " "\\b{bold}, \\i{italic, \\b{both}}", 0, 0.6, 0); IupMglPlotDrawText(ih, "Easy to \\a{overline} or \\u{underline}", 0, 0.2, 0); IupMglPlotDrawText(ih, "Easy to change indexes ^{up} _{down} @{center}", 0, -0.2, 0); IupMglPlotDrawText(ih, "It parse TeX: \\int \\alpha \\sqrt{sin(\\pi x)^2 + \\gamma_{i_k}} dx", 0, -0.6, 0); // IupMglPlotDrawText(ih, "It parse TeX: \\int \\alpha \\cdot \\sqrt3{sin(\\pi x)^2 + \\gamma_{i_k}} dx", 0, -0.6, 0); IupMglPlotDrawText(ih, "And more TeX: \\sqrt{\\frac{\\alpha^{\\gamma^2}+" "\\overset 1{\\big\\infty}}{\\sqrt{2+b}}}", 0, -1.0, 0); // IupMglPlotDrawText(ih, "And more TeX: \\sqrt{\\frac{\\alpha^{\\gamma^2}+" "\\overset 1{\\big\\infty}}{\\sqrt3{2+b}}}", 0, -1.0, 0); return IUP_DEFAULT; } static void SampleText(void) { IupSetCallback(plot, "POSTDRAW_CB", (Icallback)text_postdraw_cb); } static int fonts_postdraw_cb(Ihandle* ih) { IupSetAttribute(plot, "DRAWFONT", "Cursor, 12"); IupMglPlotDrawText(ih, "Cursor - ABCDEFGabcdefg", -0.5, 0.5, 0); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DRAWFONT", "Heros, 12"); IupMglPlotDrawText(ih, "Heros - ABCDEFGabcdefg", -0.5, 0.0, 0); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DRAWFONT", "Termes, 12"); IupMglPlotDrawText(ih, "Termes - ABCDEFGabcdefg", -0.5, -0.5, 0); return IUP_DEFAULT; } static void SampleFonts(void) { IupSetCallback(plot, "POSTDRAW_CB", (Icallback)fonts_postdraw_cb); } static void SampleLegend(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_LEGEND", "sin(\\pi {x^2})"); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 0, "sin(2*pi*x*x)", 50, 1, 1); IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_LEGEND", "sin(\\pi x)"); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 1, "sin(2*pi*x)", 50, 1, 1); IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_LEGEND", "sin(\\pi \\sqrt{\\a x})"); IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 2, "sin(2*pi*sqrt(x))", 50, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "LEGEND", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_X", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_Y", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); } static void SampleSemiLog(void) { IupSetAttribute(plot, "FORMULA_XMIN", "0.01"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "FORMULA_XMAX", "100"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "FORMULA_YMIN", "-1"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "FORMULA_YMAX", "1"); IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 2); IupMglPlotSetFormula(plot, 0, "0.01/(x+10^(-5))", "sin(1/x)", NULL, 2000); // IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 1); // IupMglPlotSetFromFormula(plot, 0, "sin(1/x)", 2000, 1, 1); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_COLOR", "0 0 255"); //IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_LINEWIDTH", "2"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_XSCALE", "LOG10"); //IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_XMIN", "0.01"); //IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_XMAX", "100"); //IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_YMIN", "-1.0"); //IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_YMAX", "1.0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_X", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_Y", "Yes"); // IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_XLABEL", "x"); // TODO crashing the application // IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_YLABEL", "y = sin 1/x"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "GRID", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "GRIDCOLOR", "0 255 0"); } static void SampleLogLog(void) { IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 2); IupMglPlotSetFormula(plot, 0, "pow(10,6*x-3)", "sqrt(1+x^2)", NULL, 100); IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_COLOR", "0 0 255"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_XSCALE", "LOG10"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_YSCALE", "LOG10"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_X", "Yes"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_Y", "Yes"); // IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_XLABEL", "x"); // TODO crashing the application // IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_YLABEL", "y=\\sqrt{1+x^2}"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "BOX", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "GRID", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "GRIDCOLOR", "0 255 0"); IupSetAttribute(plot, "GRIDLINESTYLE", "DASHED"); } static void Dummy(void) { } typedef struct _TestItems{ char* title; void (*func)(void); }TestItems; static TestItems test_list[] = { {"Plot (Linear 1D)", SamplePlotLinear1D}, {"Plot (Linear 3D)", SamplePlotLinear3D}, {"Radar (Linear 1D)", SampleRadarLinear1D}, {"Area (Linear 1D)", SampleAreaLinear1D}, {"Bars (Linear 1D)", SampleBarsLinear1D}, {"Bars (Linear 3D)", SampleBarsLinear3D}, {"Barh (Linear 1D)", SampleBarhLinear1D}, {"Step (Linear 1D)", SampleStepLinear1D}, {"Stem (Linear 1D)", SampleStemLinear1D}, {"Chart (Linear 1D)", SampleChartLinear1D}, {"Pie (Linear 1D)", SamplePieLinear1D}, {"Dots (Linear 3D)", SampleDotsLinear3D}, {"Crust (Linear 3D)", SampleCrustLinear3D}, {"----------", Dummy}, {"Surface (Planar)", SampleSurfacePlanar}, {"Surface Colors (Planar)", SampleSurfaceColorsPlanar}, {"Surface Contour (Planar)", SampleSurfaceContourPlanar}, {"Mesh (Planar)", SampleMeshPlanar}, {"Fall (Planar)", SampleFallPlanar}, {"Belt (Planar)", SampleBeltPlanar}, {"Tile (Planar)", SampleTilePlanar}, {"Boxes (Planar)", SampleBoxesPlanar}, {"Density (Planar)", SampleDensityPlanar}, {"Contour (Planar)", SampleContourPlanar}, {"Contour Filled (Planar)", SampleContourFilledPlanar}, {"Axial Contour (Planar)", SampleAxialContourPlanar}, {"GradientLines (Planar)", SampleGradientLinesPlanar}, {"----------", Dummy}, {"Iso Surface (Volume)", SampleIsoSurfaceVolume}, {"Cloud (Volume)", SampleCloudVolume}, {"Density (Volume)", SampleDensityVolume}, {"Contour (Volume)", SampleContourVolume}, {"ContourFilled (Volume)", SampleContourFilledVolume}, {"ContourProject (Volume)", SampleContourProjectVolume}, {"ContourFilledProject (Volume)", SampleContourFilledProjectVolume}, {"DensityProject (Volume)", SampleDensityProjectVolume}, {"----------", Dummy}, {"Text Styles", SampleText}, {"Fonts", SampleFonts }, { "Legend", SampleLegend }, {"Semi-log", SampleSemiLog}, {"Log-log", SampleLogLog}, }; static void ChangePlot(int item) { ResetClear(); test_list[item].func(); UpdateFlags(); sprintf(filenameSVG, "../%s.svg", test_list[item].title); sprintf(filenameEPS, "../%s.eps", test_list[item].title); sprintf(filenamePNG, "../%s.png", test_list[item].title); // sprintf(filenamePNG, "../html/en/ctrl/images/iupmglplot_%s.png", IupGetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE")); // iupStrLower(filenamePNG, filenamePNG); IupSetAttribute(plot, "REDRAW", NULL); { char* errmsg = IupGetAttribute(plot, "ERRORMESSAGE"); if (errmsg) IupMessage("Error", errmsg); } } static int k_enter_cb(Ihandle*ih) { int pos = IupGetInt(ih, "VALUE"); if (pos > 0) ChangePlot(pos-1); return IUP_DEFAULT; } static int action_cb(Ihandle *ih, char *text, int item, int state) { (void)text; (void)ih; if (state==1) ChangePlot(item-1); return IUP_DEFAULT; } static int close_cb(Ihandle *ih) { (void)ih; return IUP_CLOSE; } /* Y zoom */ static int minmaxY_dial_btndown_cb(Ihandle *self, double angle) { (void)angle; (void)self; IupStoreAttribute(plot, "OLD_YMIN", IupGetAttribute(plot, "AXS_YMIN")); IupStoreAttribute(plot, "OLD_YMAX", IupGetAttribute(plot, "AXS_YMAX")); return IUP_DEFAULT; } static int minmaxY_dial_btnup_cb(Ihandle *self, double angle) { double x1, x2, xm; char *ss; (void)self; x1 = IupGetFloat(plot, "OLD_YMIN"); x2 = IupGetFloat(plot, "OLD_YMAX"); ss = IupGetAttribute(plot, "AXS_YMODE"); if ( ss && ss[3]=='2' ) { /* LOG2: one circle will zoom 2 times */ xm = 4.0 * fabs(angle) / 3.141592; if (angle>0.0) { x2 /= xm; x1 *= xm; } else { x2 *= xm; x1 /= xm; } } if ( ss && ss[3]=='1' ) { /* LOG10: one circle will zoom 10 times */ xm = 10.0 * fabs(angle) / 3.141592; if (angle>0.0) { x2 /= xm; x1 *= xm; } else { x2 *= xm; x1 /= xm; } } else { /* LIN: one circle will zoom 2 times */ xm = (x1 + x2) / 2.0; x1 = xm - (xm - x1)*(1.0-angle*1.0/3.141592); x2 = xm + (x2 - xm)*(1.0-angle*1.0/3.141592); } if (x1data[0], w, h, 3, 3, IM_BYTE, 1); imProcessFlip(image, image); IupSetAttribute(clipboard, "TEXT", NULL); /* clear clipboard */ IupSetAttribute(clipboard, "NATIVEIMAGE", IupGetImageNativeHandle(image)); IupDestroy(clipboard); free(gldata); imImageDestroy(image); (void)self; return IUP_DEFAULT; } static int bt4_cb(Ihandle* self) { imImage* image; int w, h; void* gldata; IupGetIntInt(plot, "DRAWSIZE", &w, &h); gldata = malloc(w*h*3); image = imImageCreate(w, h, IM_RGB, IM_BYTE); IupMglPlotPaintTo(plot, "RGB", w, h, 0, gldata); imConvertPacking(gldata, image->data[0], w, h, 3, 3, IM_BYTE, 1); imProcessFlip(image, image); imFileImageSave(filenamePNG, "PNG", image); free(gldata); imImageDestroy(image); (void)self; return IUP_DEFAULT; } #endif Ihandle* controlPanel(void) { Ihandle *vbox1, *vbox2, *vbox3, *lbl1, *lbl2, *lbl3, *lbl4, *bt1, *bt2, *bt3=NULL, *bt4=NULL, *boxminmaxY_dial, *boxminmaxX_dial, *f1, *f2; /* left panel: plot control Y zooming */ lbl1 = IupLabel("+"); lbl2 = IupLabel("-"); minmaxY_dial = IupDial("VERTICAL"); IupSetAttribute(minmaxY_dial, "ACTIVE", "NO"); IupSetAttribute(minmaxY_dial, "SIZE", "20x52"); IupSetCallback(minmaxY_dial, "BUTTON_PRESS_CB", (Icallback)minmaxY_dial_btndown_cb); IupSetCallback(minmaxY_dial, "MOUSEMOVE_CB", (Icallback)minmaxY_dial_btnup_cb); IupSetCallback(minmaxY_dial, "BUTTON_RELEASE_CB", (Icallback)minmaxY_dial_btnup_cb); boxminmaxY_dial = IupVbox(lbl1, minmaxY_dial, lbl2, NULL); IupSetAttribute(boxminmaxY_dial, "ALIGNMENT", "ACENTER"); IupSetAttribute(boxminmaxY_dial, "GAP", "2"); IupSetAttribute(boxminmaxY_dial, "MARGIN", "2"); autoscaleY_tgg = IupToggle("Y Autoscale", NULL); IupSetCallback(autoscaleY_tgg, "ACTION", (Icallback)autoscaleY_tgg_cb); IupSetAttribute(autoscaleY_tgg, "VALUE", "ON"); f1 = IupFrame( IupVbox(boxminmaxY_dial, autoscaleY_tgg, NULL) ); IupSetAttribute(f1, "TITLE", "Y Zoom"); IupSetAttribute(f1, "GAP", "0"); IupSetAttribute(f1, "MARGIN", "5x5"); /* X zooming */ lbl1 = IupLabel("-"); lbl2 = IupLabel("+"); minmaxX_dial = IupDial("HORIZONTAL"); IupSetAttribute(minmaxX_dial, "ACTIVE", "NO"); IupSetAttribute(minmaxX_dial, "SIZE", "64x16"); IupSetCallback(minmaxX_dial, "BUTTON_PRESS_CB", (Icallback)minmaxX_dial_btndown_cb); IupSetCallback(minmaxX_dial, "MOUSEMOVE_CB", (Icallback)minmaxX_dial_btnup_cb); IupSetCallback(minmaxX_dial, "BUTTON_RELEASE_CB", (Icallback)minmaxX_dial_btnup_cb); boxminmaxX_dial = IupHbox(lbl1, minmaxX_dial, lbl2, NULL); IupSetAttribute(boxminmaxX_dial, "ALIGNMENT", "ACENTER"); IupSetAttribute(boxminmaxX_dial, "GAP", "2"); IupSetAttribute(boxminmaxX_dial, "MARGIN", "2"); autoscaleX_tgg = IupToggle("X Autoscale", NULL); IupSetCallback(autoscaleX_tgg, "ACTION", (Icallback)autoscaleX_tgg_cb); f2 = IupFrame( IupVbox(boxminmaxX_dial, autoscaleX_tgg, NULL) ); IupSetAttribute(f2, "TITLE", "X Zoom"); IupSetAttribute(f2, "GAP", "0"); IupSetAttribute(f2, "MARGIN", "5x5"); grid_tgg = IupToggle("Grid", NULL); IupSetCallback(grid_tgg, "ACTION", (Icallback)grid_tgg_cb); box_tgg = IupToggle("Box", NULL); IupSetCallback(box_tgg, "ACTION", (Icallback)box_tgg_cb); legend_tgg = IupToggle("Legend", NULL); IupSetCallback(legend_tgg, "ACTION", (Icallback)legend_tgg_cb); lbl3 = IupLabel(""); IupSetAttribute(lbl3, "SEPARATOR", "HORIZONTAL"); IupSetAttribute(lbl3, "EXPAND", "NO"); IupSetAttribute(lbl3, "RASTERSIZE", "160x2"); transp_tgg = IupToggle("Transparent", NULL); IupSetCallback(transp_tgg, "ACTION", (Icallback)transp_tgg_cb); light_tgg = IupToggle("Light", NULL); IupSetCallback(light_tgg, "ACTION", (Icallback)light_tgg_cb); lbl4 = IupLabel(""); IupSetAttribute(lbl4, "SEPARATOR", "HORIZONTAL"); IupSetAttribute(lbl4, "EXPAND", "NO"); IupSetAttribute(lbl4, "RASTERSIZE", "160x2"); aa_tgg = IupToggle("Antialias", NULL); IupSetCallback(aa_tgg, "ACTION", (Icallback)aa_tgg_cb); opengl_tgg = IupToggle("OpenGL", NULL); IupSetCallback(opengl_tgg, "ACTION", (Icallback)opengl_tgg_cb); bt1 = IupButton("Export SVG", NULL); IupSetCallback(bt1, "ACTION", (Icallback)bt1_cb); bt2 = IupButton("Export EPS", NULL); IupSetCallback(bt2, "ACTION", (Icallback)bt2_cb); #ifdef USE_IM bt3 = IupButton("Copy To Clipboard", NULL); IupSetCallback(bt3, "ACTION", (Icallback)bt3_cb); bt4 = IupButton("Save To PNG", NULL); IupSetCallback(bt4, "ACTION", (Icallback)bt4_cb); #endif vbox1 = IupFrame(IupVbox(f1, f2, grid_tgg, box_tgg, legend_tgg, lbl3, transp_tgg, light_tgg, NULL)); IupSetAttribute(vbox1, "GAP", "4"); IupSetAttribute(vbox1, "MARGIN", "5x5"); vbox2 = IupVbox(aa_tgg, opengl_tgg, lbl4, IupVbox(bt1, bt2, #ifdef USE_IM bt3, bt4, #endif NULL), NULL); IupSetAttribute(vbox2, "GAP", "4"); IupSetAttribute(vbox2, "MARGIN", "5x0"); vbox3 = IupVbox(vbox1, vbox2, NULL); IupSetAttribute(vbox3, "GAP", "7"); IupSetAttribute(vbox3, "MARGIN", "0x0"); return vbox3; } void MglPlotModesTest(void) { int i, count = sizeof(test_list)/sizeof(TestItems); char str[50]; Ihandle *dlg, *list, *panel; IupMglPlotOpen(); /* init IupMGLPlot library */ IupSetGlobal("MGLFONTS", "../etc/mglfonts"); list = IupList(NULL); plot = IupMglPlot(); panel = controlPanel(); dlg = IupDialog(IupHbox(list, panel, IupVbox(IupFill(), plot, IupFill(), NULL), NULL)); IupSetAttribute(dlg, "MARGIN", "10x10"); IupSetAttribute(dlg, "GAP", "5"); IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "MathGL samples w/ IupMglPlot"); IupSetCallback(dlg, "CLOSE_CB", close_cb); IupSetAttribute(plot, "RASTERSIZE", "700x500"); // Minimum initial size // IupSetAttribute(plot, "RASTERSIZE", "350x250"); // IupSetAttribute(plot, "RASTERSIZE", "460x280"); // IupSetAttribute(plot, "EXPAND", "NO"); IupSetAttribute(list, "EXPAND", "VERTICAL"); IupSetAttribute(list, "VISIBLELINES", "15"); // Not all, because the dialog will be too big IupSetAttribute(list, "VISIBLECOLUMNS", "15"); IupSetCallback(list, "ACTION", (Icallback)action_cb); for (i=0; i