require( "iuplua" ) -- Creates a text, sets its value and turns on text readonly mode text = iup.text {readonly = "YES", value = "Selecting show or hide will affect this text"} item_show = iup.item {title = "Show"} item_hide = iup.item {title = "Hide"} item_exit = iup.item {title = "Exit"} function item_show:action() text.visible = "YES" return iup.DEFAULT end function item_hide:action() text.visible = "NO" return iup.DEFAULT end function item_exit:action() return iup.CLOSE end menu = {item_show,item_hide,item_exit} -- Creates dialog with a text, sets its title and associates a menu to it dlg = iup.dialog{text; title="IupMenu Example", menu=menu} -- Shows dialog in the center of the screen dlg:showxy(iup.CENTER,iup.CENTER) iup.MainLoop()