#include static int quit_cb(void) { return IUP_CLOSE; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { Iup::Open(argc, argv); /* Creating the button */ Iup::Button quit_bt("Quit"); quit_bt.SetCallback("ACTION", (Icallback)quit_cb); /* the container with a label and the button */ Iup::Vbox vbox( Iup::Label("Very Long Text Label").SetAttributes("EXPAND=YES, ALIGNMENT=ACENTER"), quit_bt); vbox.SetAttribute("ALIGNMENT", "ACENTER"); vbox.SetAttribute("MARGIN", "10x10"); vbox.SetAttribute("GAP", "5"); /* Creating the dialog */ Iup::Dialog dialog(vbox); dialog.SetAttribute("TITLE", "Dialog Title"); dialog.SetAttributeHandle("DEFAULTESC", quit_bt); dialog.Show(); Iup::MainLoop(); dialog.Destroy(); Iup::Close(); return 0; }