Java: Exercise - Trim Right


Write a method that returns a string with all trailing blanks from the right end of its string parameter. This should work even with strings with no characters, no whitespace, or no non-whitespace.


    public static String trimRight(String s)
Note: This is declared static because it is doesn't depend on any instance variables from the class it would be defined in, only on its parameters. It's declared public only because it might be generally useful.


trimRight("Hello")"Hello"No trimming.
trimRight("Hello   ")"Hello"Trimmed
trimRight("   Hello")"   Hello"Not trimmed on left.
trimRight("Hello   ")"Hello"Trimmed
trimRight("")""No trimming of the empty string.
trimRight("   ")""All whitespace trimmed to nothing
trimRight("Hello there")"Hello there"No trimming.


Loop from the right end, using Character.isWhitespace() to test each character. When you find find something that isn't whitespace, return everything up to and including that character.


Write only the method. You can easily change the Example - Generic Calc program to use this method.