Java Notes: Generics and New Data Structures

What's new in Java 5

Java Collections have been extended in two directions.

Additional data structures

Queue, BlockingQueue, ConcurrentMap, Delayed.
PriorityQueue, ConcurrentLinkedQueue, ArrayBlockingQueue, LinkedBlockingQueue, PriorityBlockingQueue, DelayQueue, SynchronousQueue, ConcurrentHashMap, and maybe others.

The concurrent collections can be executed by more than one thread without blocking! In other words, they don't have the performance cost of the synchronized classes. See John Zukowski's article at for an overview of these new structures.

Example using Java 1.2-1.4 data structures

// Typical Collections usage before Java 5
List greetings = new ArrayList();
greetings.add("We come in peace."); 
greetings.add("Take me to your leader.");
greetings.add("Resistance is futile.");

Iterator it = greetings.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
    String aGreeting = (String);

Same example rewritten in Java 5 using generics

Java 5 let's you specify the type of element in the collection. This has two nice consequences:

// Same example using generics.
List<String> greetings = new ArrayList<String>();
greetings.add("We come in peace."); 
greetings.add("Take me to your leader.");
greetings.add("Resistance is futile.");

Iterator<String> it = greetings.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
    String aGreeting =;     // No downcast.

Links to resources on new Collections features