Java: Collections Class

The java.util.Collections class contains static utility methods for manipulating collections.

Some useful Collections methods

Assume the following declarations have been made:

   List list; int i; Comparator comp; 
   Object key; Object obj; Collection coll;
Rearranging - Sorting, Shuffling, . . .
 sort(list) Sorts list.
 sort(list, comp) Sorts list.
 shuffle(list) Puts the elements of list in random order.
 reverse(list) Reverses the elements of list.
i =binarySearch(list, key) Searches in list for key. Returns index of element or negative value if not found. See Searching.
i =binarySearch(list, key, comp) Searches in list for key using Comparator comp. Returns index of element or negative value if not found. See Searching.
obj =max(coll) Returns maximum valued object in the Collection coll.
obj =max(coll, comp) Returns maximum valued object in the Collection coll using Comparator comp.
obj =min(coll) Returns minimum valued object in the Collection coll.
obj =min(coll, comp) Returns minimum valued object in the Collection coll using Comparator comp.

There are many more methods in Collections, but the above are a good start.