Java Notes: Window Size and Position

Pack your window to do the layout

The optimum size of a window depends on the size and layout of the components. After adding all the components to a window (JFrame), call yourWindow.pack() to perform the layout.

Altho very uncommon, call yourWindow.revalidate() to redo the layout if the size of one of the components changes. If you're doing this, perhaps you should rethink the interface design.

Centering a Window

The following code positions a window (JFrame) f in the center of the screen. Use this when you create a window, after yourWindow.pack() has been called, as follows:


Expanding a window to fit the screen

To make a window fill the screen or take a percentage of the screen size, use something like the following.

Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
window.setSize(screenSize.width, screenSize.height);
window.validate();                // Make sure layout is ok

Fixed Window Size using setSize() and validate

You can set the size of a window, but it's almost always a mistake unless you're simply expanding the window to fill the screen. The default window size should depend on the size and layout of the components as determined by pack(). However, if you must create a fixed size window (JFrame), call f.setSize(...), then call f.validate() to finalize the component layout before making the window visible.