Java: Summary - Basic GUI Components (Widgets)

Most components have a few common methods.
cmp.requestFocus(); Puts focus (eg, blinking cursor) in the field, selection of a button, etc.
tf.setFont(f); Sets font.
JLabel - For fixed text.
lbl = new JLabel(t) Creates JLabel with text on it. Typically created in call to add() and not assigned.
JTextField - Box containing one line of text.
tf = new JTextField(n); Creates textfield about n columns wide.
s = tf.getText(); Returns string in textfield.
tf.setText(s); Sets text to s.
tf.addActionListener(lst); Action listener lst will be called if enter typed.
tf.setEditable(bool); Don't allow user to edit text field used for output.
tf.setHorizontalAlignment(align); JTextField.LEFT (default), JTextField.CENTER, or JTextField.RIGHT
JButton - Standard clickable button.
btn = new JButton(t); Creates button with text t.
btn = new JButton(img); Creates button with icon img.
btn = new JButton(t, img); Creates button with both text and icon.
btn.addActionListener(lst); Action listener lst called when button clicked.
btn.setEnabled(bool); Used to enable/disable button.
JTextArea - Box containing multiple lines of text separated by '\n'.
ta = new JTextField(rows, cols); Creates textarea with specifed number of rows and columns.
s = ta.getText(); Returns string in textfield.
ta.setText(s); Sets text to s.
ta.append(s); Adds s to end of existing text.
ta.insert(s, pos); Inserts s at position pos.
ta.setEditable(bool); Don't allow user to edit textarea if used for output.
ta.setLineWrap(bool); Allow/disallow long lines to wrap.
ta.setWrapStyleWord(bool); Call setLineWrap(true) first. true wraps at word boundaries, false (default) at characters.
ta.setBorder(brdr); Add space between text and edge. Eg, to add 2 pixels use brdr BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2,2,2,2)
JCheckBox - Check box followed by text. Use with listener or to get/set state.
cb = new JCheckBox(text); Creates check box initially unchecked.
cb = new JCheckBox(text, bool); Creates check box with checked state tf.
b = cb.isSelected(); Returns bool if box is checked/unchecked.
cb.setSelected(bool); Sets checked state to tf.
ta.addItemListener(itemListen); Adds an item listener.
JList - List of string values. Put in JScrollPane if scrolling needed.
lst = new JList(); Creates empty JList.
lst = new JList(sarray); Creates JList intialized to String array sarray. Can also use array of Objects.
lst.setListData(sarray); Sets list "model" to String array sarray.
s = (String)lst.getSelectedValue(); Returns value as Object value. Typically cast to String. null if no selection.
i = lst.getSelectedIndex(); Returns index of selection or -1 if no selection.

Copyleft 2005 Fred Swartz