LAPACK and ScaLAPACK for Windows

Visual Sudio Install

Build Instructions for LAPACK 3.1.1 for Windows with Visual Studio and Intel Fortran Compiler

Requirements: Visual Studio, Intel Compiler for Windows

Build and Test Instructions for BLACS for Windows with Visual Studio and Intel Compilers

Requirements: Visual Studio, Intel Compilers for Windows, Microsoft MPI for 64 bits build, MPICH2 for 32bits build

Build and Test Instructions for ScaLAPACK for Windows with Visual Studio and Intel Compilers

Requirements: Visual Studio, Intel Compilers for Windows, BLACS, LAPACK, BLAS,
Microsoft MPI for 64 bits build, MPICH2 for 32bits build


Before doing anything you MUST set up the following 2 environnement variables LAPACK and SCALAPACK.
To do so, right Click on 'Your Computer' > Properties > Advanced Tab > Environnement Variables > New

Then to setup SCALAPACK Environnemnt Variable enter:

and for LAPACK:

SCALAPACK library build