What is Juiz Virtual

Juiz Virtual (Virtual Referee) offers an image-based modeling technology similar to the one used in the TV soccer transmissions.
Juiz Virtual allows the creation of a three-dimensional environment from a soccer match image. Only the goalposts, field lines, and the ball's and players' positions need to be indicated. With these information it is then possible to determine the original camera position and to "move" it to a more favorable point which allows a better view of the situation (so as to determine if the player was offside, for instance).
The user may use his/her own images with Juiz Virtual. During the World Cup, however, we will make images available on a daily basis, offering shots from important plays occurred in the previous day. These images already contain the necessary information for the construction of the three-dimensional model. Thus, if the user prefers so, he/she can skip the model's construction stage and pass on to the camera manipulation stage.
The images will also be available in VRML format, so that they can be manipulated directly in the browser with the appropriate plug-in.
Juiz Virtual was developed in the Visgraf (IMPA) and TeCGraf (PUC-Rio) computer graphics labs.
INPI register number: 00032002

First page | Download the application | Shots from the matches | Method used | About the authors