-- IupZbox Example in IupLua -- An application of a zbox could be a program requesting several entries from the user according to a previous selection. In this example, a list of possible layouts ,each one consisting of an element, is presented, and according to the selected option the dialog below the list is changed. require( "iuplua" ) fill = iup.fill {} text = iup.text {value = "Enter your text here", expand = "YES"} lbl = iup.label {title = "This element is a label"} btn = iup.button {title = "This button does nothing"} zbox = iup.zbox { fill, text, lbl, btn ; alignment = "ACENTER", value=text } list = iup.list { "fill", "text", "lbl", "btn"; value="2"} ilist = {fill, text, lbl, btn} function list:action (t, o, selected) if selected == 1 then -- Sets the value of the zbox to the selected element zbox.value=ilist[o] end return iup.DEFAULT end frm = iup.frame { iup.hbox { iup.fill{}, list, iup.fill{} } ; title = "Select an element" } dlg = iup.dialog { iup.vbox { frm, zbox } ; size = "QUARTER", title = "IupZbox Example" } dlg:showxy (0, 0) if (iup.MainLoopLevel()==0) then iup.MainLoop() end