-- IupSeparator Example in IupLua -- Creates a dialog with a menu and some items. -- A IupSeparator was used to separate the menu items. require( "iuplua" ) -- Creates a text, sets its value and turns on text readonly mode text = iup.text {value = "This text is here only to compose", expand = "YES"} -- Creates six items item_new = iup.item {title = "New"} item_open = iup.item {title = "Open"} item_close = iup.item {title = "Close"} item_pagesetup = iup.item {title = "Page Setup"} item_print = iup.item {title = "Print"} item_exit = iup.item {title = "Exit", action="iup.ExitLoop()"} -- Creates file menus menu_file = iup.menu {item_new, item_open, item_close, iup.separator{}, item_pagesetup, item_print, iup.separator{}, item_exit } -- Creates file submenus submenu_file = iup.submenu {menu_file; title="File"} -- Creates main menu with file submenu menu = iup.menu {submenu_file} -- Creates dialog with a text, sets its title and associates a menu to it dlg = iup.dialog {text ; title ="IupSeparator Example", menu = menu, size = "QUARTERxEIGHTH"} -- Shows dialog in the center of the screen dlg:showxy(iup.CENTER,iup.CENTER) if (iup.MainLoopLevel()==0) then iup.MainLoop() end