-- IupFill Example in IupLua -- Uses the Fill element to horizontally centralize a button and to -- justify it to the left and right. require( "iuplua" ) -- Creates frame with left aligned button frame_left = iup.frame { iup.hbox { iup.button{ title = "Ok" }, iup.fill{}, }; title = "Left aligned" -- Sets frame's title } -- Creates frame with centered button frame_center = iup.frame { iup.hbox { iup.fill{}, iup.button{ title = "Ok" }, iup.fill{}, } ; title = "Centered" -- Sets frame's title } -- Creates frame with right aligned button frame_right = iup.frame { iup.hbox { iup.fill {}, iup.button { title = "Ok" }, } ; title = "Right aligned" -- Sets frame's title } -- Creates dialog with these three frames dialog = iup.dialog { iup.vbox{frame_left, frame_center, frame_right,}; size = 120, title = "IupFill" } -- Shows dialog in the center of the screen dialog:showxy(iup.CENTER, iup.CENTER) if (iup.MainLoopLevel()==0) then iup.MainLoop() end