-- Creates a IupColorBrowser control and updates, through -- callbacks, the values of texts representing the R, G and B -- components of the selected color. require( "iuplua" ) require( "iupluacontrols" ) text_red = iup.text{} text_green = iup.text{} text_blue = iup.text{} cb = iup.colorbrowser{} function update(r, g, b) text_red.value = r text_green.value = g text_blue.value = b end function cb:drag_cb(r, g ,b) update(r,g,b) end function cb:change_cb(r, g ,b) update(r,g,b) end vbox = iup.vbox { iup.fill {}, text_red, iup.fill {}, text_green, iup.fill {}, text_blue, iup.fill {} } dlg = iup.dialog{iup.hbox {cb, iup.fill{}, vbox}; title = "ColorBrowser"} dlg:showxy(iup.CENTER, iup.CENTER) if (iup.MainLoopLevel()==0) then iup.MainLoop() end