/* IupScanf: Example in C Shows a dialog with three fields to be filled. One receives a string, the other receives a real number and the last receives an integer number. */ #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; int integer = 12; float real = 1e-3f; char text[300]="This is an array of characters"; char *fmt = { "IupScanf Example\n" "Text: %300.5%s\n" "Real: %20.10%g\n" "Integer: %3.10%d\n" }; IupOpen(&argc, &argv); IupSetLanguage("ENGLISH"); ret = IupScanf(fmt, text, &real, &integer); if (ret == -1) IupMessage("IupScanf","Operation canceled"); else IupMessagef("IupScanf","Text: %s\nReal: %f\nInteger: %d\nFields read successfully: %d",text,real,integer,ret); IupClose(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }