/* IupFill: Example in C Uses the Fill element to horizontally centralize a button and to justify it to the left and right. */ #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* IUP handles */ Ihandle *frame_left; Ihandle *frame_right; Ihandle *frame_center; Ihandle *dialog; /* Initializes IUP */ IupOpen(&argc, &argv); /* Creates frame with left aligned button */ frame_left = IupFrame ( IupHbox ( IupButton( "Ok" , "" ), IupFill(), NULL ) ); /* Sets frame's title */ IupSetAttribute( frame_left, "TITLE", "Left aligned" ); /* Creates frame with centered button */ frame_center = IupFrame ( IupHbox ( IupFill (), IupButton ( "Ok", "" ), IupFill (), NULL ) ); /* Sets frame's title */ IupSetAttribute( frame_center, "TITLE", "Centered" ); /* Creates frame with right aligned button */ frame_right = IupFrame ( IupHbox ( IupFill (), IupButton ( "Ok", "" ), NULL ) ); /* Sets frame's title */ IupSetAttribute( frame_right, "TITLE", "Right aligned" ); /* Creates dialog with these three frames */ dialog = IupDialog ( IupVbox ( frame_left, frame_center, frame_right, NULL ) ); /* Sets dialog's size and title */ IupSetAttributes( dialog, "SIZE=120, TITLE=IupFill"); IupShow( dialog ); /* Shows dialog in the center of the screen */ IupMainLoop(); /* Initializes IUP main loop */ IupClose(); /* Finishes IUP */ return EXIT_SUCCESS; }