-- Converts file encoding to pure ASCii -- Including Comments -- For instance: "Atenção!" would be "Aten\xE7\xE3o!". -- But actually will be "Aten\xE7""\xE3""o!" to properly encapsulate the hexadecinal representation -- Solves the problem of some compilers when detecting the file encoding -- Based on a contribution form Could Wu -- Run this from the iup base folder -- It will replace the original files -- Works on Lua 5.2 or 5.3 (not working on 5.1, must check gsub behavior) -- Usage: iup> lua convert2ascii.lua local function toascii(c) local ascii = string.byte(c) local hex = string.format("\\x%X", ascii) return hex .. '"' .. ( c:sub(-1) == '"' and "" or '"') end local function convert(filename) print(filename) local f = assert(io.open(filename,"rb")) local text = f:read("*a") f:close() text = text:gsub('[\x80-\xff]"?', toascii) -- from 128 to 255 f = assert(io.open(filename, "wb")) f:write(text) f:close() end print("Converting to ASCii:\n") convert("src/iup_lng_portuguese.h") convert("src/iup_lng_spanish.h") convert("srccontrols/matrixex/iup_lng_portuguese_matrix.h") convert("srccontrols/matrixex/iup_lng_spanish_matrix.h") convert("srcplot/iup_lng_portuguese_plot.h") convert("srcplot/iup_lng_spanish_plot.h") print("\nDone")