Windows Attributes Names
[Image Capture]

Collaboration diagram for Windows Attributes Names:

Not all attributes are supported by each device. Use the return value of imVideoCaptureGetAttribute to check if the attribute is supported.

  VideoBrightness - Specifies the brightness, also called the black level. 
  VideoContrast - Specifies the contrast, expressed as gain factor. 
  VideoHue - Specifies the hue angle. 
  VideoSaturation - Specifies the saturation.
  VideoSharpness - Specifies the sharpness. 
  VideoGamma - Specifies the gamma. 
  VideoColorEnable - Specifies the color enable setting. (0/100)
  VideoWhiteBalance - Specifies the white balance, as a color temperature in degrees Kelvin. 
  VideoBacklightCompensation - Specifies the backlight compensation setting. (0/100)
  VideoGain - Specifies the gain adjustment.
  CameraPanAngle - Specifies the camera's pan angle. To 100 rotate right, To 0 rotate left (view from above).
  CameraTiltAngle - Specifies the camera's tilt angle.  To 100 rotate up, To 0 rotate down.
  CameraRollAngle - Specifies the camera's roll angle. To 100 rotate right, To 0 rotate left.
  CameraLensZoom - Specifies the camera's zoom setting. 
  CameraExposure - Specifies the exposure setting. 
  CameraIris - Specifies the camera's iris setting. 
  CameraFocus - Specifies the camera's focus setting, as the distance to the optimally focused target. 
  FlipHorizontal - Specifies the video will be flipped in the horizontal direction.
  FlipVertical - Specifies the video will be flipped in the vertical direction.
  AnalogFormat - Specifies the video format standard NTSC, PAL, etc. Valid values:
      NTSC_M     = 0 
      NTSC_M_J   = 1  
      NTSC_433   = 2
      PAL_B      = 3
      PAL_D      = 4
      PAL_H      = 5
      PAL_I      = 6
      PAL_M      = 7
      PAL_N      = 8
      PAL_60     = 9
      SECAM_B    = 10
      SECAM_D    = 11
      SECAM_G    = 12
      SECAM_H    = 13
      SECAM_K    = 14
      SECAM_K1   = 15
      SECAM_L    = 16
      SECAM_L1   = 17
      PAL_N_COMBO = 18